卜小蝶Pu Hsiao-Tieh吳叔華Wu Shu-Hua2019-08-282013-02-282019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697150185%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89285網路影音分享平台如YouTube是近年來相當熱門的網路資訊服務之一。隨著網路影音內容愈加多元豐富,其不僅成為使用者重要的休閒娛樂來源,同時也是上網搜尋的重要資源之一。就使用者網路搜尋行為的相關研究中,過去多偏重認知層面的瞭解,近來已有一些研究注意到情感面向在使用者搜尋過程中的重要性。本研究以網路影音分享平台為研究場域,結合正向心理學中之沉浸理論,嘗試分析探討使用者在影音檢索過程中,所產生之沉浸特徵,並進一步瞭解影音檢索行為與沉浸過程之關聯。 本研究主要採用檢索記錄分析法。研究對象為7名長期且經常使用網路影音分享平台之20-39歲、且具影音檢索沉浸經驗者。研究內容主要為蒐集受訪者日常生活之影音檢索行為,為期二個月檢索記錄的蒐集,共計取得167筆檢索記錄,經受訪者自評其中70筆為沉浸經驗之記錄,有效記錄為25筆。除上述所得之影音檢索記錄外,研究者也同時進行個別訪談及邀請受訪者填寫問卷。 研究結果發現,不論工作導向或休閒導向之影音檢索任務,受訪者皆有沉浸現象產生。依據訪談與研究者觀察,沉浸現象的產生,除影音檢索任務特性外,也與受訪者個人背景知識與興趣有關,此外,受訪者與媒介互動情形也會有影響。進一步分析,在檢索的過程中,受訪者所觀看的影音內容是促發沉浸的主因,換言之,受訪者對影音內容所知與所感會直接影響其是否產生沉浸現象;此外,在檢索過程中,使用者與媒介的互動,包括使用流暢度、回饋線索等,也會影響使用者的沉浸感受。受訪者主要以關鍵字檢索來搜尋影音,而透過關鍵字的聯想與轉化策略,受訪者常能藉此發現未預期且感到驚喜的影音。而瀏覽系統所提供之各類影音相關資訊(如影音上傳者之註解及使用者評論),也會間接影響受訪者更加投入沉浸的氛圍。 在未來研究,若能提高研究對象之配合意願,並且擴大研究樣本,對於個人背景與特質對沉浸的影響或關係,進行更深入的探討。同時,配合長期觀察,蒐集更完整、真實自然的的影音搜尋與使用記錄,將有助瞭解使用者在使用網路影音分享平台時,透過興系統互動、磨合、學習適應後的行為變化。此外,對於何種影音內容要素會促使受訪者產生沉浸現象,以及部份未產生沉浸現象的影音檢索任務,使用者的行為表現與引發使用者產生何種內心感受,也值得進一步分析。In recent years, video sharing website, one of the network information services is very popular, such as YouTube. With the increasingly of video content, it is not only become an important source of entertainment, but also an important resource for information. About user behavior studies, some scholars pay attention to cognitive aspects and emotional aspects of the process. They emphasize the importance of cognitive and emotional aspects. This study combines video sharing website and flow theory, tries to analyze user’s video search behavior and flow experience for reference of further studies. This study used search record analysis. The seven subjects, among 20-39 years old, were long-term and frequent use of online video sharing website, and had flow experience of video search process. It mainly collected the video search behavior record of daily life for two months. Total of 167 records to search records obtained by the subjects, 70 self-assessment records of having flow experience, effectively logged as 25 records. In addition to the search record analysis, the researcher also used interview and questionnaire. The results showed that, regardless of orientation for leisure or job video search tasks, they had flow experience. According to the interview, flow experience had relations with video search tasks and the subjects on personal background knowledge and interests. In addition, the subjects are also affected by interactions with the media. Further analysis, the search process, the subjects are viewing video content is the main cause of flow, in other words, the subjects are aware of content will have a direct impact on flow. Besides the search process, the subjects interact with the system will also affect the user's flow experience, including the use of fluency, feedback cues and through keyword association and transformation strategy, the subjects can be unexpected to find the video and was pleasantly surprised. Various types of audio and video information such as user comments, will also indirectly affect the subjects were more immersed into the atmosphere. In the future, to increase the subjects with the intention to co-operate and expand the research samples, for understanding personal background and characteristics of the impact of flow or relationship. Meanwhile, with the long-term observations, collecting more complete and realistic nature of video search behaviors, will help to understand the user in the use of video sharing website, and behavior changes with system interaction. Moreover, what kinds of video content elements will lead to the flow experience, and the user's behavior and what the feelings caused by some search tasks which having no flow experience, is worthy of further analysis.網路影音分享平台影音檢索行為沉浸經驗video sharing websitevideo search behaviorflow experience網路影音檢索之沉浸經驗研究A Study on Flow Experience in Web Video Search Process