陳政友洪新來2019-08-282007-7-242019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093053014%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87572老年人口結構的變化引起的社會問題,是世界各國共同的趨勢,高齡銀髮族將成為社會舉足輕重的族群,若不未雨綢繆,儘早規劃因應,勢將衝擊我國經濟發展及政府財政。因此,有關老人休閒動機、休閒滿意與理想健康功能指標應是一值得研究的議題。 本研究以量化評量方式進行,依據中華民國木球協會提供全國各有組織的木球運動之資料,以65歲以上之會員為研究對象,主要目的在瞭解木球運動對老人的休閒動機與休閒滿意是否有影響,並進一步瞭解老人在木球運動過程中的困難或限制之原因,並分析木球運動對提昇老人休閒運動的有效性作探討。最後,希望藉由老人休閒動機、休閒滿意的探討,提出建議,供給未來老人在健康功能的參考。本研究結果發現參與木球運動的老人在運動前後對休閒滿意有顯著差異。影響受試者休閒動機的前三項因素依次為,「放鬆心情調節身心」,「鍛鍊身體健康,維持生理功能」,「保持體力維持精氣神」。年齡愈高「75-79 歲」的老人在休閒滿意總分上愈高,並且在「教育」、「社會」等份量上有較高的滿意度。自評健康的好壞原本在休閒滿意總分上沒有差異,經過三個月的木球運動訓練後,原來健康較不理想的老人「還好」、「不好」,休閒滿意度急增。在現今國內運用休閒理論與休閒策略於老人健康的文獻仍然相當缺乏的時候,本研究希望為未來老人在休閒運動上,建構一套值得參考的模式。The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among elderly's leisure motivation, leisure satisfaction during the woodball game. The study took Chinese old person association and age of over 65 years old as an empirical case, 164 questionnaires were collected. The results showed that: the majority of The Chinese old person association is age above 65, living with their spouse or children, career of government worker, with usable monthly expense below NT$30,000. In the leisure motivation aspect, there are three factors found, which were "relaxing mental factors", "exercise and the health suitably physiologically function", "keep fitness and spirit", with the first three are the most important reason. Beside that, the oldest people have the highest satisfaction on education and social elements. Furthermore, the elders』 education and career could affect their opinion on leisure motivation and participation; martial status could also affect their opinion on leisure motivation. Therefore, we suggest that the old person association should take place those to ordinary leisure activity,which could achieve the mood adjustment of body and mind, and obtain the feeling of the social activity primarily, with a outdoor environment to enhance the willing of participation.老人休閒動機休閒滿意木球運動ElderLeisure MotivationLeisure SatisfactionWoodball老年人參與球類運動對其休閒動機、休閒滿意度之影響研究—以木球運動為例