許書瑋Hsu, Shu Wei Ryan何玉珊Ho, Yu-San2023-12-082022-06-052023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8cb08dbd4e75978fe7d20c90a34c0553/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120169現今網路媒體的興盛,在人手一機的環境下,觀看影音直播蔚為風潮,因傳統影視媒體式微及2020-2022年間因新冠肺炎(COVID-19)影響,許多產業重新洗牌,本研究透過兩個切入點探討業者轉戰直播之路,第一個切入點是透過三種類型參與者「電商」、「實體業者」、「影視媒體名人」,透過其觀點探討轉戰直播的做法及考量,第二個切入點是探討不同的參與者涉入直播領域後,依照其參與直播的經驗不斷演進下的四的階段歷程,包括初接觸直播的階段、進入直播領域後,以直播做為商業模式的作法、直播帶貨如何能夠達到有效的行銷效果、如何以直播做為本業行銷的商業模式。Watching live stream is all the rage now thanks to the popularity of online mediaand the ubiquity of smart devices, and this leads to the decline of traditional film and television media. This trend, together with the impact of the new crown pneumonia (COVID-19) in the year 2020 to 2022, reshuffles the industries. This study proposes potential solutions to live stream transitioning for industry players based on two major perspectives. The first perspective is to utilize the practices and considerations of three types of participants - e-commerce, entrepreneurs, and film and television media celebrities - to enable the live stream transitioning. The second perspective is to explore the four stages of live broadcasting involvement according to the experiences of the participants. The four-stage transitioning process includes initial contact, early entry into the market, implementation of the business model, and full utilization of such model. Once the process is completed, the industry will benefit from commercial live stream and the consequent marketing effect.直播直播主live streamstreamer轉戰直播之路:電商、實體業者、影視媒體名人之三方觀點On their way to live stream:Perspectives of e-commerce, traditional retailer, and celebrityreport_pro