石明宗程瑞福Shih, Ming ZongCheng, Jui-Fu張夢玫Chang, Mong-Mei2019-09-052017-09-162019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003312118%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107171一位空服員因為睡眠障礙及情緒憂鬱問題就醫,經過醫生的鼓勵而開始接觸瑜珈和皮拉提斯等運動因而強化了核心肌群,改善了曾因車禍受傷造成的下背痛後遺症和各種職業傷害,亦走出情緒低潮,從此養成規律運動習慣並愛上運動。在療癒身心的旅程期間亦參加心靈成長課程,開始面對自我認同及親子關係,並透過課程的練習裡意識到原來一直不斷的在追尋父親的形象,永遠拿嚴苛的標準批判自己,只因想被認同肯定。課程的激勵帶來改變的勇氣,在2009年決定轉行為全職皮拉提斯老師,也從到處跑堂到開了教室。在進入師大研究所後再次與身心學相遇,決定本研究的兩個目的為: 一、 透過敘說看見身心關係成形的脈絡,再次療癒及整合自我,揮別過去,往更好的自己前進。 二、 透過探索不同的身心技法帶來的覺察體悟及身體的變化,找到自己往後在身心學教育發展所要秉持的信念和態度。 研究中看見原生家庭的影響及形塑的過程中身心因為控制和壓抑而扭曲,藉由身心覺察的對話及身心技法的體驗過程再次覺察到愛與被愛;往後從事身心教學也確立了想傳達的理念,就是平衡、愛與支持。這段與生命和解的旅程,透過敘說不斷反思、整合而更靠近自己。因為內觀自省時時保持覺察,接受無常不強求改變,相信自己可以創造出想要的世界而讓生活變得更有品質,再次找到生命存在的快樂和意義。 關鍵詞:自我敘說、身心學A flight attendant sought medical treatment because of sleep disorders and emotional depression, and encouraged to exercise and formed a regular habit. By practicing yoga and pilates, I strengthen the core muscle, improved the lower back pain and recovered from the depression, then fell in love with exercise. During the journey of healing body and mind, I also participate in the course of growth and guided to face self-identity and parent-child relationship. Through the practice of the course finally realized that all the pursuit of the father image and criticize myself with high standard because feel hard to earn recognition. The motivation of the course gives me the power to change, and decided to transform the career as a pilates instructor and start from a part-time teacher to have my own studio since 2009. Meeting the somatics again after entering the NTNU and I decide the two purposes of the research: 1.Through the narrative inquiry to see the formation process of body and mind relationship, healing and integrating myself again and heading forward to be a better person, say goodbye to the past. 2.To find my own beliefs and attitudes in the development of somatic education through the awareness and physical changes, that comes from the exploration of different somatic techniques in the future. Discovered how’s the personality shaped and effected by the family of origion, the body and mind are distorted by control and repression. Physical and mental awareness and the experience of somatics technique makes me feel love and be loved again; and I determine to convey the philosophy of the teaching is: balance, love and support from now on. This journey of reconciliation with life make me getting closer to the real me through the reflection and integration by narrative iquiry. Being aware and have insight into every moment, accepting nothing is permanent in life, believing that I can create the world I want, life will be even better and full of meaning happiness. Key words: Narrative inquiry、Somatics自我敘說身心學Narrative inquirySomatics揮別藍天,轉身追夢-一位皮拉提斯老師的自我敘說Say Goodbye to the Sky, Moving toward Dreams-A Narrative Inquiry of a Pilates Instructor