陳登武Chen, Den-Wu潘子正Pan, Tzu-Cheng2024-12-172024-09-142024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/1e5d49e55aaa48de6ef66d7bfcc10d2e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122894僖宗從廣明元年(880)12月5日(甲申)因黃巢進逼而離開長安後,至中和5年(885)3月12日(丁卯)返抵長安之間,主要以成都為臨時首都,故稱之為「成都時期」、「成都朝廷」。遭逢黃巢攻下長安惡運的僖宗皇帝及其朝廷,往往令世人不假思索地產生荒唐的印象,但這種印象卻與一些史書的記述有矛盾。若將僖宗廣明元年(880)12月的避難行動,與玄宗、德宗避難三川的經驗相比,不但稱不上荒唐,似乎還因吸取了前人的經驗,而顯得確實、有效率。從黃巢攻入長安前的廣明元年,到成都時期結束,斷續可見僖宗皇帝努力於政事的紀錄,而且僖宗所作決策雖非完美,但並非無理。這段期間文臣如鄭畋、王鐸、蕭遘、王徽等也都有所表現。被指為「奸臣」的宦官田令孜,確實因作為帝國頂級的軍事官員而位高權重,但諸多事例應屬其職權管轄,所作所為也具有合理性,縱使無法完美,但應稱不上「亂政」。成都朝廷經過調整對待淮南高駢的方針、召入沙陀李克用、派王徽重建京畿等等努力,最終成功返回長安。整體而言,成都朝廷的決策,固然難以完美,但幾乎都隨著時勢而調整,並非毫無章法,也非任由權臣循私妄為。成都朝廷能重返長安,乃是經歷了諸多努力,並非純屬運氣。今人若能適切地調整對僖宗朝廷運作狀況的認知,應可更貼近史實地去理解、分析晚唐與政治有所牽連的種種現象。After Emperor Xizong (僖宗) left Chang'an (長安) on December 5, 880 (Jia Shen甲申) during the first year of the Guangming (廣明) era due to the advance of Huang Chao (黃巢), and before he returned to Chang'an (長安) on March 12, 885 (Ding Mao丁卯) during the fifth year of the Zhonghe (中和) era, Chengdu (成都) served as the temporary capital. Therefore, this period is referred to as the “Chengdu Period” (成都時期) or the “Chengdu Court” (成都朝廷). Emperor Xizong (僖宗) and his court, who suffered the misfortune of Huang Chao (黃巢) capturing Chang'an (長安), often evoke an impression of absurdity among people without much thought. However, this impression contradicts the accounts recorded in some historical texts.If we compare Emperor Xizong's (僖宗) evacuation in December of the first year of the Guangming (廣明) era (880) with the experiences of Emperor Xuanzong (玄宗) and Emperor Dezong (德宗) during their evacuations to the “Three Rivers” (三川), it not only does not seem absurd, but actually appears to be well-planned and efficient, likely due to the lessons learned from his predecessors. From the first year of the Guangming (廣明) era before Huang Chao's (黃巢) entry into Chang'an (長安) to the end of the Chengdu Period, there are intermittent records of Emperor Xizong's (僖宗) efforts in governance. Although his decisions were not perfect, they were not unreasonable. During this period, civil officials such as Zheng Tian (鄭畋), Wang Duo (王鐸), Xiao Gou (蕭遘), and Wang Hui (王徽) also made notable contributions. Eunuch Tian Lingzi, who was labeled a “treacherous official”, did indeed hold significant power as the empire's top military official. However, many of his actions fell within the scope of his duties and were reasonable. Although not perfect, his conduct should not be characterized as “disrupting the government”. After the Chengdu Court (成都) made adjustments in its approach to dealing with Gao Pian (高駢) of Huainan (淮南), summoned the Shatuo (沙陀) leader Li Keyong (李克用), and sent Wang Hui (王徽) to rebuild the capital region, they ultimately succeeded in returning to Chang'an (長安). Overall, the decisions of the Chengdu (成都) Court, while not perfect, were mostly adjusted according to the circumstances. They were neither haphazard nor simply left to the whims of powerful ministers for personal gain. The Chengdu Court's return to Chang'an (長安) was the result of considerable effort, not merely a matter of luck. If people today can appropriately adjust their understanding of the operations of Emperor Xizong's (僖宗) court, they should be able to better comprehend and analyze the various phenomena related to politics in the late Tang Dynasty (唐朝), in a way that is more aligned with historical facts.唐僖宗成都幸蜀黃巢田令孜高駢李克用Emperor Tang -Xi-ZongCheng-DuTook Refuge in ShuHuang-ChaoTian-Ling-ZiGao-PianLi-Ke-Yong逆境求生:唐僖宗成都時期(881-885)的危機處理Surviving Adversity: The Crisis Management of the Emperor Tang Xi-Zong Court in the Cheng-Du Period (881-885)學術論文