黃長福涂瑞洪Huang, Chen-fuTu, Jui-hung林俊達Lin, Chun-Ta2022-06-082021-02-252022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/984ab02267c07df5f3533e3da88f6ad9/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117778研究目的:透過具安全性之上肢增強式肌力訓練機的訓練介入,以探討大專男子乙組棒球選手訓練效果及機轉。研究方法:主要訓練機構為具安全性之上肢增強式肌力訓練機,實驗參與者為23名大專男子乙組棒球選手,以前測球速為分組依據,隨機分配至增強式組(n=7)、傳統式組(n=8)及控制組(n=8),進行6週每週3次之訓練,並透過肌電系統(Noraxon Telemyo DTS)、等速肌力儀(Biodex Pro 4)及測速槍(JUGS GUN R2050),蒐集訓練前後的肌電活化、等速肌力及投擲表現。統計方法:以成對樣本t考驗,進行前後測肌電、等速肌力及球速之比較;以皮爾森積差相關比較球速、肌電及等速肌力間之相關性,顯著水準訂為α= .05。研究結果:增強式組在前後測的投球速度有顯著提升(p< .05),傳統式組未顯著提升;投球作用肌肉活化方面,增強式組與傳統式組在前後測的胸大肌(Pectoralis Major muscle)、肱二頭肌(Biceps Brachii muscle)、肱三頭肌(Triceps Brachii muscle)、三角肌(Deltoid muscle)、背闊肌(Latissimus Dorsi Muscle)的肌肉活化有顯著提升(p < .05);等速肌力方面,增強式組在前後測的最大峰值轉矩(Max Peak touque,MPT)、最大峰值轉矩/體重(Max Peak torque/ body weight,MPT/W)、總作功(Work)、平均動力(Power)與平均峰值轉矩(Average Peak touqu,PT)有顯著提升(p <.05);相關分析方面,球速與120°/s在傳統式組之平均峰值轉矩與增強式組之總作功有顯著相關(p <.05)。結論:研究結果顯示,增強式訓練可有效提升投球速度、投球動作肌力與等速肌力;未來上肢肌力上要有效益,以增強式訓練機構來做為提升肌力表現是一可行方式。Purposes: Investigating the training effects and mechanism of university secondary baseball players through safety plyometric training intervention. Method: Safety plyometric training machine was introduced as main training intervention. There were twenty-three secondary baseball players participated in the study, and they were randomly assigned to plyometric training group (n=7), traditional training group with high pull wheel resistance (n=8), and control group (n=8) according the ball throwing speed which measured in the pre-test. Training courses were implemented six weeks with three times per week. Before and after training, Noraxon Telemyo DTS, Biodex Pro 4, and JUGS GUN R2050 were used to collect the activation of reated mouscle groups, isokinetic strength, and the velocity of throwing baseball. Analysis: Paired t-tests were performed to compare the differences among the pre and post trst parameters for Noraxon Telemyo, isokinetic strength, and ball speed. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used to understand the relationships among three kinds of parameters. All tests were performed at significant level of .05. Results: Ball speed was enhanced in the plyometric training group after training course while traditional group was not. Muscle activations at Pectoralis Major muscle, Biceps Brachii muscle, TricepsBrachii muscle, Deltoid muscle, and Latissimus Dorsi Muscle were all significantly enhanced (p< .05). Performances on the max peak torque, max peak torque/body weight, work, power, and average peak torque were significantly promoted. In regard to correlations, the ball speed and 120 degree per second of average max peak touqu moment in the traditional group and the sum of works in the reinforced group were significantly correlated. Conclusion: Results showed that Plyometric Training intervention was efficiently way to promote ball speed, muscle strength of ball throwing, and isokinetic strength. Plyometric training machine as a Plyometric training method is a worthy choice to benefit the muscle strength of upper body for future training.測速槍肌電轉矩JUGS GUNelectromyographypeak torque增強式肌力訓練對棒球選手上肢等速肌力與投擲表現之影響The Effect of Plyometric Training Intervention on the Baseball Player’s Upper Limb Isokinetic Strength and Throwing Performance學術論文