國立臺灣師範大學教育學系周愚文2014-12-022014-12-022007-03-011028-8708http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38177本文旨在檢討歷史解釋中輝格史觀的「進步史觀」與「以今論古觀」兩種涵義,及其在國外教育史研究上曾出現的缺失,然後透過個人近年五項研究案經驗的分析,重新反省其得失,最後提出日後運用上的限度。The main purpose of this paper is to reconsider the Whig Party’s interpretation of history and to review two key connotations of this interpretation, i.e., progressivism and presentism. Revisionist historians and historians of education since the 1960s have criticized certain kinds of historical writings. However, based on personal research done in the past few years, the author here reconsiders the rationality of the revisionists’ critique. Finally, the author revises the judgment of “whiggishness” and agrees that the viewpoint of progressivism and presentism could be used in the study and interpretation of the history of education, under certain conditions and limitations.輝格史觀 進步史觀 以今論古觀 教育史 教育史學Whiggishness�rogressivism�resentism�istory of education�istoriography of education輝格史觀與教育史解釋