林貝珊Lin, Bei-shan2020-09-032020-09-032019-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108959本文探討吳語處衢方言止蟹攝開口韻字群的歷史音韻層次。研究方法兼採「歷史比較本文探討吳語處衢方言止蟹攝開口韻字群的歷史音韻層次。研究方法兼採「歷史比較然後,藉由(1)結構上的特徵,例如元音舌位、韻尾型態、聲母環境等,及(2)系統性的比對,例如古韻部來源、中古開合等第條件等,將各組對應關係配整成層。最後,參照已知的漢語音韻發展階段及其重要的音韻格局,定位各層次韻讀的相對年代。由於篇幅有限,本文優先處理互融較不那麼劇烈的開口韻字,合口韻字將另闢專文再探。層次分析的結果,處衢方言止蟹攝開口韻字群共計四大類對應關係,分屬三大階段:上古音層次(Ⅲ)、中古音層次(Ⅱ)及唐宋後文讀層次(Ⅰ)。This paper aims at phonological strata of Kai-kou-hu in Zhi She and Xie She cognates in Chu-qu subgroup of the Wu dialect. In the first, we establish several phonological distinctions of correspondence rules which are based on the “vocabulary-sounds” of the comparative method. Second, we clarify strata with confining correspondences through different phonological characteristics. Finally, we discuss the probable historical origin of each stratum. The conclusion is that there are four correspondences and three strata of Kai-kou-hu in Zhi She and Xie She cognates in Chu-qu subgroup of the Wu dialect.吳語處衢方言止蟹攝開口字群層次分析比較法歷史語言學Chu-qu(處衢) subgroup of the Wu dialectZhi She(止攝) and Xie She(蟹攝) cognates of Middle Chinesestrata analysiscomparative methodhistorical linguistics吳語處衢方言中古止蟹攝開口韻字群 的歷史音韻析層擬測Phonological Strata Analysis of Kai-kou-hu in Zhi She and Xie She Cognates in Chu-qu subgroup of the Wu dialect