游進年Yu, chin nien陳顗如Chen, yi ru2019-08-282013-1-232019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599002119%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91211本研究旨在探究新北市三鶯區國民中學學校行銷策略之現況、困境與因應作法,最後根據研究結果,提出建議供有關單位及人員之參考。 為達本研究之目的,本研究採問卷調查法進行研究,首先蒐集與研讀相關文獻,建立本研究之理論架構,編製「新北市三鶯區國民中學學校行銷策略調查問卷」。本研究問卷調查對象係新北市三鶯區國民中學12所學校之校長、主任、組長、教師,共發出1000份問卷,回收805份,整體回收率為80.5 %,剔除填答不全等無效問卷99份,總計有效問卷706份,整體可用率為70.6%,問卷處理採SPSS 18.0 for Windows 統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 綜合問卷調查,獲致以下結論: 一、新北市三鶯區國民中學教育人員所知覺到學校行銷的整體情況良好。 二、學校行銷策略理想決定機制,應由校務會議共同討論決定。學校行銷任務編制,係由校長扮演統籌規畫的角色,並視行銷業務性質分派給相關處室。 三、校長為學校行銷工作主要擔任成員,主要行銷對象為家長、教師、學生。 四、學校行銷重點項目主要為學校辦學理念、師生的學習成就表現、學校 師資陣容及專業態度、學校創意主題活動、優質的學習環境等。 五、學校行銷策略中較重要也較常被使用的是價格策略與通路策略。 六、不同職務、不同服務年資、不同學校規模的學校成員,對學校行銷策 略認知情形不盡相同。 七、學校行銷面臨之主要困境為「行政人員工作繁重,無暇兼顧學校行銷」、「缺乏負責學校行銷的專責單位」、「校內成員缺乏行銷專業知識」、「學校未定期檢討學校行銷活動的成效」。 八、學校行銷遭遇困境時的因應做法為「校長統籌規劃組成跨處室小組, 積極領導學校成員共同推展行銷工作」、「成立學校發展委員會,或舉辦統籌會議,統籌協調學校發展,以利學校進行整體行銷」、「落實課程教學特色,以利學校行銷工作的推展」 最後,依據本研究所獲之結論,研究者針對教育行政主管機關、學校以及未來研究者提出相關建議。The main purpose of this study was to investigate the fact, difficulties and strategies of school marketing in Junior High Schools in Sanying District of New Taipei City, in light of results of the study, providing suggestions to educational authorities and schools. The methods adopted for the research were questionnaire survey. Firstly, based on the results drawn from the literature review, a questionnaire named “The questionnaire for school marketing strategies in Junior High Schools in Sanying District of New Taipei City” was developed. Questionnaires were delivered to principals, managers, group leaders and teachers of 12 Junior High Schools in Sanying District of New Taipei City. 805 of the 1000 send out questionnaires are effective. The overall recovery rate of 80.5%, invalid questionnaires, 99 were excluded incomplete, etc., for a total of 706 valid questionnaires, overall availability rate of 70.6%.The statistics software tool used for the questionnaire analysis was SPSS18.0 for Windows. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. New Taipei City Sanying junior high school education staff perceived school marketing overall good. 2. The ideal decision mechanism of junior High school’s marketing strategies is discussion through school administration meeting. The school marketing task preparation, usually principals play the role of the co-ordination of planning and marketing business, as the properties are assigned to the related offices. Schools generally are not set up a a marketing dedicated units. 3. Marketing in school is mainly executed by administrators, principals, teachers, parents, students, and school volunteers. Marketing object for parents, teachers, students, principals. 4. The points of school marketing are the concepts to run a school, The performance of the learning achievements of students and teachers, School faculty and professional attitude, The school creative theme activities, Quality learning environment. 5. The most important characteristic schools marketing strategy is pricing strategy and promotion Strategy. 6. The awareness of the recognition about school marketing strategies in school of members is affected by teacher’s seniority, Years of Service, The size of the school. 7. There are possible and physical difficulties, including the heavy workload on Administrators, the lacking of a specific department working on school marketing, the insufficiency of marketing profession in faculties, the school does not regularly review the effectiveness of marketing activities in schools. 8. The following school marketing strategy suffers coping practices: Principals co-ordinate the planning team composed of cross-offices, and active members of the leadership of the school to promote the marketing work together. The establishment of the School Development Committee, organized by the Co-ordination meeting, an integrated and coordinated development of the schools, and schools to facilitate the overall marketing. Implementation of the teaching characteristics, as well as school marketing efforts to promote. According to the conclusion, some suggestions were given for educational authorities, schools and future related researches.學校行銷學校行銷策略school marketingschool marketing strategy新北市三鶯區國民中學學校行銷策略之研究The Study of School Marketing Strategies in Junior High Schools in Sanying District of New Taipei City