邱大環Chiu,Da-Huan蔡詩韻Tsai,shih-yun2019-08-282018-08-082019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0698820062%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85920隨著觀光的多元化發展,葡萄酒觀光逐漸成為全世界各主要產酒區的觀光發展重要主題之一。酒業和觀光業可說是互相受益的產業,推廣觀光需要有吸引遊客的題材;推廣酒則是可以透過觀光的方式達到公關作用。而葡萄酒是文化與風土承載的體驗,因此產酒區的文化背景是支持葡萄酒觀光發展不可或缺的。產區豐富的葡萄酒文化內涵、產地的獨特性、風光明媚的葡萄地景,都是葡萄酒觀光的特點,透過有效的觀光活動推廣,發展結合上述特色的全面體驗,不僅帶動了觀光,同時還能推廣當地生產的葡萄酒。 本研究旨在探討法國勃艮第地區的葡萄酒觀光產業發展現況,並聚焦其城鎮伯恩(Beaune)的葡萄酒觀光,進一步以伯恩市當地的年度節慶活動「老饕葡萄園漫遊」為個案研究,透過體驗經濟之架構的探討,進一步釐清葡萄酒觀光多元的體驗全貌,了解當地如何善用其歷史悠久的葡萄酒文化內涵和獨特的自然資源優勢,將觀光活動融入葡萄酒題材並透過全面的體驗模式,來令遊客留下深刻印象,並同時推廣了觀光與酒。With the diversified development of tourism, wine-related tourism has become increasingly important for wine regions. Absolutely, wine industry and tourism industry are mutual benefit. For the tourism industry, wine is an important component of the attractiveness of a destination; for the wine industry, wine tourism is a very important way to build up relationships with customers. Since, wine is the product of an area’s soil and climate and flavored with the history and cultural where it’s produced, the cultural background of wine region is significant for tourism development and marketing. As the result, the uniqueness experience of wine region, rich history of wine、beautiful winescape、specialized “Appellation” , are viewed as a very important strategy for tourism development and wine product marketing as well. This research aims to investigate the wine tourism of Burgundy, and focus on its wine capital ”Beaune”. By taking the annual wine festival ”Beaune, Saveurs de Vignes” as case for study, utilizes the experience economy model to explain the the experiential nature of wine tourism.葡萄酒觀光法國勃艮第伯恩市(Beaune)體驗經濟wine tourismBurgundyBeauneexperience economy勃艮第的葡萄酒觀光研究--以伯恩市為例Wine Tourism in Burgundy--example of Beaune