鄭志富Cheng, Chih-fu吳國銑Wu, Kou-Hsien2019-09-052005-10-12019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0088504003%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104838本研究以企業管理之企業功能、管理功能、企業診斷等理論作為基礎,藉由文獻分析、現場考察及專家訪談等方法,進行花蓮縣立運動公園個案研究,透過SWOT分析、策略擬定、可行性分析等步驟,提出行動方案,以建構出具體可行之經營管理之策略,並以運動公園永續經營作為核心,透過設施管理、組織管理及營運管理等構面之問題探討,完成經營管理策略發展及可行性分析,並獲致以下之結論: 一、花蓮縣立運動公園規劃及興建計畫確已取得立地條件優勢,更具備規劃之特色,並以遊憩、運動、景觀及環境作為設計三要素,將全民運動、休閒及娛樂作為訴求目的,希藉企業化之經營管理,以達永續經營之目標,惟在組織設立時,並未依據組織計畫之架構、編制人力予以落實,導致其營運陷入傳統經營管理之困境。 二、設施管理策略:以建構評估機制、串聯空間機能、拓展使用目標等項作為綱領,並提出三項建議策略與行動方案,用空間檢討及消費者需求評估為依據,打造優質休閒運動空間,成為高使用率之運動環境。 三、組織管理策略:以推動組織改革、結合產官學研、獎勵民間參與等項作為綱領,並提出四項建議策略及行動方案,透過組織再造與行政革新,建構高效能之營運組織。 四、營運管理策略:以尊重市場機制、創造產業群聚、整合異業行銷等項作為綱領,並提出五項建議策略與行動方案,以績效評估之手段,謀求高效值之營運成果。This study utilized the theories of business function, management function, and business diagnostics in business management to investigate the management strategy of Hualian County Sport Park. The research methods included literature review, onsite inspection, and depth interview. The action project was designed through SWOT analysis, strategy making, and analysis of feasibility. The management strategy and analysis of feasibility were developed in the areas of management of facilities, management of organization, and management of operation with the goal of sustainable operation of sport parks. The conclusions of this study are as follows. 1. The planning and construction of Hualian County Sport Park had its own strength. The three primary ideas of design were leisure, sport, and environment. The goals included sport for all, leisure, and entertainment. The sustainable management could be reached through strategies of business management. However, the current organization did not fit into the planned structure and personnel. It resulted in the shortcomings as traditional management. 2. Management of facilities: The principles included the establishment of evaluation process, connect space functions, and advancement of utilizational targets. Three strategies and action projects were suggested. With the view of space utilization and consumer requirement, a good sport environment with high quality and utility rate can be achieved. 3. Management of organization: The principles included the advancement of organizational reform, combining government, academic, and private industries, and encouragement of the participation of private business. Four strategies and action projects were suggested. An efficient management organization can be established through the renewal of organization and administration. 4. Management of operation: Five strategies and action projects were suggested with the principles of respect of market mechanism, creation of industry cluster, and organization of multi-business marketing. An effective management can be attained through the method of achievement evaluation.運動公園經營管理策略SWOTsport parkmanagementstrategySWOT花蓮縣立運動公園經營管理策略研究A Study of management strategy of Hualian County Sport Park