吳正己Chen-chih Wu鄭美宜Mei-yi Zheng2019-08-292012-2-242019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696080319%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93016本研究旨在探討於一人一機班級教學環境中,教師與學生的互動行為。本研究以個案教師前後教學對照比較的方式,觀察班級教學中教師與學生之互動行為是否因一人一機環境的導入而產生改變,教學觀察過程包含傳統教學環境觀察二週,一人一機班級教學環境熟悉三週,接著再進行一人一機班級教學環境觀察二週。 研究結果發現:(1)使用一人一機班級教學環境可使教師教學更加流暢;(2)使用一人一機班級教學環境使教師增加與學生的發問互動行為;(3)教師在使用一人一機班級教學環境時,使用環境的主體仍是以教師為主。針對研究結果,建議使用一人一機班級教學環境時,教師可讓學生更加自由的使用行動載具以更加凸顯一人一機教學環境之特色。未來研究建議可朝不同學科領域與不同年齡層進行、採取實驗研究法重複實施、延長一人一機教學環境使用時間、或者採取不同互動分析方法。The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher-student interaction in one to one whole-classroom teaching environment. We observed and compared teacher-student interaction before and after using one to one whole-classroom teaching environment in 7 weeks. The way of interactive analysis is based on Flanders’ interaction analysis system which Flanders published in 1970, adding 4 categories for adapting one-to-one whole classroom teaching environment. We found : (1) Teacher will do more fluid teaching due to decreasing his direction behavior and wating student to complete their work. (2) Teacher will change his way on asking questions. (3) Teacher keeps his leading role in one to one whole-classroom teaching environment. It is suggested that students need to do more work on one to one whole-classroom teaching environment. Further studies should explore the effects of 1:1 learning environment with longer period of experiment, on different learning subjects and different grade levels, and using different way of interaction analysis.一人一機班級教學互動分析1:1 environmentWhole-classroom teachinginteraction analysis一人一機班級教學環境中之師生互動分析