吳俊憲 吳錦惠2014-10-272014-10-272011-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/5703我國推動教師專業發展評鑑工作,乃希冀透過形成性的教師評鑑實施歷程,達到促進教師專業成長、提升教學品質及增進學習成效之目的。本研究旨在探討學校參與教師專業發展評鑑,協助推動課程改革的脈絡規劃、其體作法、實施成效及問題省思。據取個案研究,透過文件分析、省思記錄、訪談法蒐集研究資料。研究發現: (一)個案學校延續九年一貫課程改革與教學輔導,因應社會變遷與學校需求,結合校長課程領導,推動教師專業發展評鑑並促進課程改革; (二)個案學校在作法上,評鑑規準融入品德、本土與資訊課程,成立課程團隊、解讀能力指標、設計課程內容、專家指導、宣導溝通、行政支援以及引導省思等; (三)個案學校促進教師成長與學校文化具有明顯成效,但學生學習成效無法立竿見影; (四)個案學校面臨時間壓力、評鑑工其和檔案製作繁瑣、起步運作過於急躁、教育部政策方向不明、教師課程意識不足、評鑑工作與課程改革的關聯尚待釐清、資淺教師參與偏多等問題。最後,針對個案學校及未來研究提出建議。The purpose of this research is to explore teacher professional development evaluation incorporating the plans, strategies, implications, and limitations of curriculum reform. The primary data collection methods used in the present study were case study, documentary analysis, expanded notes and in-depth interviews. In terms of the data analysis of the research, four of these findings are worth summarizing: (a) Case school continues to implement the Nine-Year Integrated Curriculum Reform and instructional assistance. Further, case school promotes teacher professional development evaluation and curriculum reform not only based on society change and school needs but combines the leadership of the principle of case school. (b) According to school curriculum implementation, there are characters in evaluation criteria, involving moral, local andinformational courses, curriculum team, ability indicators, perspectives of the experts, the content guidance, administrative support and reflection. (c) Two significant effects discovered during the study were professional development for teachers and school culture. However, these methods have no significant effect on learning effects of students. (d) The study has addressed limitations of short time, the complexity of evaluation tools and portfolio making, the hurry of pioneering implementation, the ambiguous directions of Ministry of Education policy, insufficient cognition of teacher courses, the unclear relation between evaluation and curriculum reform, and numerous inexperienced teacher participants. Finally, the researcher presented a paper to put forward the suggestions that case school and the future research were proposed.教師評鑑教師專業發展評鑑課程改革課程領導Teacher evaluation Teacher professional development evaluation Curriculum reform Curriculum leadership教師專業發展評鑑促進學校課程改革之研究A Case Study on Teacher Professional Development Evaluation Improving School Curriculum Reform