蕭中強Chung-Chiang, Hsiao曾韻慈Yun Tzu, Tseng2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060055007O%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94702修正行為(Correction Behavior)的相關研究一直都是社會心理學者所重視的議題之一,過去關於修正行為的研究也大多著重在社會心理學的領域。本篇論文將修正行為應用至消費者行為研究領域範圍,並且進一步探討若偏誤為對比效果(Contrast Effect)時,進行偏誤修正之後態度的變化。 本研究假設當受測者擁有偏誤的相關知識時,其會依據自我所察覺到的偏誤程度將可能的偏誤予以排除,而且此修正行為只存在於涉入程度高的受測者中。除此之外,在涉入程度高的情境之下,是否提供受測者偏誤修正提示對其之偏誤修正行為亦有差異。而在涉入程度低或者無給予偏誤修正提示的受測者,即不產生偏誤修正行為,僅有因為對比效果所產生的態度方向改變。 為驗證假設,實驗採組內設計。每位受測者都需要接受兩階段三個部分的問卷,衡量其對目標態度評價的改變。The research related to Correction Behavior has always been concerned by one of the topics in social psychology. In the past, the research about correction behavior has also mostly emphasis on social psychology. In this study, we focus on correction behavior in consumer behavior’s domain. In this experiment, we exert an article about Contrast Effect to participants either high or low involvement. For people with high involvement of bias awareness and high accuracy motivation would view article as a bias to correct. However, people with either high ability of bias awareness or high accuracy motivation would to correct their judgment toward target product because of either the low motive to make a correct evaluation as a bias.對比效果偏誤修正彈性修正模型Contrast EffectBias CorrectionFlexible Correction Model對比效果之偏誤修正研究The Study of Contrastive Bias Correction