蘇茂生李婉菁Grace Lee2019-09-052006-6-202019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693630228%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103383嘻哈文化從70年代的崛起到如今成為一股文 化力量,它的影響力顯現在電影、時尚、廣告、運動…等領域裡。 這股力量在台灣已潛移默化深入年輕人的生活環境中,有許多的人身上已有嘻哈特質或元素,但並不知自己就已是嘻哈風格,這種裝扮風格儼然成為年輕流行的認同與指標,而造就新的市場商機,能成功打造其嘻哈流行形象,勢必能抓住年輕消費市場。 本文將簡略介紹嘻哈文化的歷史源流再分析探討嘻哈文化在台灣的現況再創造出模擬的嘻哈品牌。Since the 70s, the Hip Hop culture has become an undeniable force among the film, fashion, advertisement, sports and many other industries. This cultural force has adapted itself into the everyday life of the young adults in Taiwan. Many have adapted elements of Hip - Hop as part of their personal style, while they might not have noticed. This inclination of fashion has indisputably become a popular fashion trend which will could also provide a vast market opportunity, a successful Hip-Hop brand will capture the market of the young adults. This paper will first introduce the history of the Hip-Hop culture and further discuss and analyze the current status of Hip-Hop culture further simulate a creating a Hip-Hop designer brand.嘻哈文化深入訪談品牌行銷問卷調查街舞街頭塗鴉Hip-Hop cultureIn depth surveyBrandingQuestionnaireStreet danceGraffiti嘻哈品牌行銷之分析探討及創作Hip-Hop Branding and Marketing Plan