吳文星Wu, Wen-hsing2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/192581919 年文官總督田健治郎上任後,標榜內地延長主義統治政策,展開各項改革措施,教育改革亦為其重要施政之一。1921 年臺灣總督府評議會成立之初,總督府將實施義務教育案作為第一回會議的四大諮詢案之一,不僅在評議會會議上引起熱烈的討論,且一時成為臺、日人輿論之焦點。本文旨在探討當時臺灣總督府評議會中臺、日人評議員對實施義務教育之看法和議論,析論臺、日人輿論對義務教育之態度和意見,究明該案之討論過程及其結果,釐清臺灣社會領導階層與臺灣總督府之間對義務教育認知之同異,藉期有助於適切瞭解臺灣社會領導階層之實際立場及其角色之局限。Education reform was considered a key strategy to facilitate the policy of ‘extension of Japan proper,' which was promoted by the Government-General of Taiwan Den Kenjiro in 1919. Implementation of compulsory education became one of the main issues for consultation during the first meeting of the Council of the Government-General of Taiwan (CGGT) in 1921. It resulted in feverish debates not only in CGGT, but also the mass media. This paper examines different opinions addressed by these two sectors. By comparing the Taiwanese and Japanese perspectives, we aim to understand different/similar viewpoints between the Japanese government and the Taiwanese social elites concerning the implementation of compulsory education. Also, we intend to further examine the substantial roles of Taiwanese social elites in their political involvements during the Japanese Colonial Rule.臺灣社會領導階層臺灣總督府評議會員義務教育臺灣教育令Taiwanese social elitesthe council of the Government-General of Taiwanthe compulsory educationthe education rescript ofTaiwan日治時期臺灣社會領導階層與義務教育之實施—以1921-1922第一屆臺灣總督府評議會員之議論為中心Taiwanese Social Elites and the Implementation of Compulsory Education under the Japanese Colonial Rule - A Perspective from the Council of the Government-General ofTaiwan