張佳榮Chang, Chia-Jung陳啟玲Chen, Chi-Ling2023-12-082028-05-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a57928ebd260bf1d924669d6f9050e2d/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120190數位轉型一直是產官學界多年來頻繁討論議題,近年也成為企業內部經營管理年度大事,經常聽到轉型成功案例,但實際上轉型失敗或沒有達到預期成效的情況也不少,反觀本個案公司屬於跨國企業,在市場環境快速變化之同時,無法從過去轉型系統了解全球營運狀況,無法因應大環境變動利用系統做出決策 ,到底甚麼項目沒有在過去考慮範圍內。本研究利用深度訪談了解個案公司過去數位優化參與者持有的觀感與建議,從訪談結果找出轉型失敗的原因,相較於國內外學者及文獻記載,大多以缺乏組織文化和數位轉型心態、欠缺完整目標規劃、沒有建立變革領導和共識數位團隊為主要失敗原因,但本研究發現個案公司以領導階層沒有參與、跨國跨單位認知差異,目標範圍太大、轉型流程步驟不到位和系統分散、資源未整合是連帶影響轉型推動與效益的主要原因。個案公司以過去失敗經驗作為下一步數位轉型開案借鏡,並針對過去轉型停滯不前之困境進一步了解評估,為了讓數位轉型階段任務更加落實,個案公司採用資策會多年輔導各產業為基礎,以STEPS方法論(挖掘需求(Survey)、設定主題目標(Target)、鏈結組隊(Engage)、先導驗證(Pilot)及服務擴散(Spread)作為推動數位優化架構與流程步驟,成功打造了適合個案公司數位優化解決方案,從過去失敗原因與解決方案交叉分析可以得知,領導風格變革、建立數位轉型心態和跨國、跨領域溝通協調三面向將數據思維融入個案公司轉型文化之外,個案公司整合事業部海內外分散式數據,落實產銷、庫存、財務的資料分析與管理決策,以客戶為導向,讓現有資源最有效的利用,亦是轉型主要關鍵成功要素。本研究結果期望可以提供給有意數位轉型並有同樣目標需求的業者做參考。Digital transformation has been a frequently discussed topic in the industry, government, and academic sectors for many years. In recent years, it has also become a major focus of business operations and management within companies. We often hear about successful transformation cases, but the reality is that there are also many cases where transformations fail or do not achieve the expected results. In the case of this company, which is a multinational corporation, the rapidly changing market environment makes it difficult to understand the global operations through the previous transformation system. The company is unable to adapt to major environmental changes and utilize the system for decision-making. What aspects were not considered in the previous scope of consideration?This study utilized in-depth interviews to understand the perceptions and suggestions of the participants involved in the past digital optimization efforts of the case company. Through the interview results, the reasons for the failed transformation were identified. In comparison to domestic and international scholars and literature, the main reasons for failure are often attributed to a lack of organizational culture and digital transformation mindset, incomplete goal planning, failure toestablish transformative leadership and consensus among digital teams. However, this study found that the case company's failure was primarily influenced by the non-participation of the leadership level, cognitive differences across multinational and cross-functional units, overly broad scope of goals, inadequate transformation process steps, and fragmented systems, as well as the lack of integrated resources. These factors collectively affected the progress and effectiveness of the transformation initiative Based on past failed experiences, the case company used them as lessons for their next digital transformation initiative. They further evaluated the challenges faced during previous transformation efforts to ensure the tasks in the digital transformation phase were effectively implemented. To achieve this, the case company adopted the STEPS methodology (Survey, Target, Engage, Pilot, Spread) based on the Industrial Technology Research Institute's years of counseling experience in various industries. This methodology served as the framework and process steps for driving digital optimization. By analyzing the intersection of past failure reasons and solutions, it can be concluded that transforming leadership style, establishing a digital transformation mindset, and facilitating cross-national and cross-domain communication and coordination are the three key dimensions for integrating data thinking into the case company's transformation culture. The company integrated dispersed data from its business units both domestically and internationally, enabling data analysis and management decision-making in areas such as production, sales, inventory, and finance. With a customer-oriented approach, the company maximized the efficient utilization of existing resources, which became a major key success factor in the transformation.The findings of this study are expected to provide valuable insights for businesses that are interested in digital transformation and share similar goals.STEPS數位優化數位轉型轉型失敗解決方案STEPSdigital optimizationdigital transformationtransformation failuresolutions以STEPS方法論探討數位轉型:以某跨國企業為例Exploring Digital Transformation through the STEPS Methodology: A Case Study of a Multinational Companyetd