林伯修Lin, Po-Hsiu李柑醇Lee, Kan-Chen2019-09-052014-2-252019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095132125%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107494本研究以參與觀察法、訪談法及文件分析對新竹縣體育館主場館建築空間進行使用後評估,分析主場館可提供的服務內容及使用現況。訪談對象包含場館承包商、活動規劃執行單位、合作廠商等共9人。結果發現工作使用者舉辦活動及服務類型差異甚大,主場館所提供之空間及附屬設備現況,無法完全滿足所有類型的使用者,許多設施設計也已經不符合時下趨勢,必須以不同的方式和因應策略,方能使活動順利舉行。The purpose of this research was to practice the post-occupancy evaluation of Hsinchu County Gymnasium via observation, interview, and literature review. This research was to evaluate the gap between Hsinchu County Gymnasium space requirements from users and the use of services of the Gymnasium. The nine interviewees were included the stadium contractors, event planning and executing organization, and cooperation partners. The research showed that Hsinchu County Gymnasium space and assessment equipment do not longer satisfies users’ requirements. Moreover, most of facility designs do not fit within current market trends; therefore, the managers or users need to develop corresponsive strategies in order to run events more smoothly.主場館使用後評估 (POE)工作使用者環境行為 (E-B)main court of gymnasiumpost-occupancy evaluationworkersenvironment-behavior新竹縣體育館主場館工作人員使用後評估A Study of Post-Occupancy Evaluation on the main court of Hsinchu County Gymnasium