李素馨侯錦雄許聖迪郭景珣Su-Hsin LeeJing-Shoung HouSheng-Ti HsuChing-Hsun Kuo2014-10-272014-10-272012-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23768台灣近代都市公園地景的形塑揭示出殖民者、市民和旅遊者逃避現實的願望與想像,也顯示具象徵意義的建築設施及公共空間成為人們遊樂休閒好場所。本研究探討「逃避主義」與「開發新樂園」對人類文化創造原動力的關係辯證,以台中公園為研究基地,研究方法採文本分析相關圖像、文獻論述,包括近代都市計劃、都市公園規劃設計、公園遊樂、儀式活動等資料,及現地踏查,以了解殖民者、市民、與旅遊者對台灣都市公園活動的經驗,及其對當地的改造及其文化創造原動力。研究發現(1)清領時期:逃離嚴苛環境,尋找新天地;(2)日據時代:逃離寒冷與逃避鎖國的衰弱困境,建立溫暖南方殖民帝國的想像;(3)戰後至解嚴前中華民國時期:逃離戰敗與建立復興祖國的想像;(4)近現代:逃離統治的陰影與去殖民化,以新台灣作為一個新精神世界。(5)「開發新樂園」在都市計畫中創造一個市民暫時脫離日常生活的場域;(6)逃避主義是創造娛樂地景或新樂園的原動力,新地景的開發也提供人類逃避的去處,文化逃向了自然,最終自然也讓文化延續,逃避與創造相互辯證而成。Taiwan’s modern urban park landscapes reveal colonizers, citizens, and tourists’ hope and imagination to escape real-life. The symbolic buildings and public constructions became a place for recreation. This study investigated the relationship between “escapism” and “utopia creation” driving force behind the creation of human culture. The research site is Taichung Park. The research used context analysis to analyze references of modern urban planning, park design, historic images, discourses, park leisure activities and ceremonies. Through in-site investigation and drafting, we analyze colonizers, citizens, and tourists’ active experiences, the environmental changes, and cultural motive power in Taiwan’s urban parks. This research results found (1) people “created utopia”, where they can relax and escape from daily life. (2) Escapism encouraged development of the entertainment landscape and new paradise, development of a new landscape for the provision escapism place of human. Culture fled to the natural, eventually the culture could be extended because of the natural. The culture and nature were complementary. Escapism and created were complementary.殖民政府空間象徵浪漫主義休閒遊憩The colonial governmenta symbol of spaceromanticismleisure and recreation逃避主義與開發新樂園的辯證 : 台中公園地景的型塑Dialectics of Escapism and Paradise Deuelopment : Shaping Taichung Park Landscape