蔡虔祿Chien-Lu Tsai陳勇升Yung-Sheng Chen2019-09-052009-7-72019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695300499%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105708本研究旨在了解優秀大專高爾夫與木球選手揮桿動作的運動學、動力學及上肢肌群肌電訊號之現象及兩者間之異同。研究方法以優秀大專高爾夫與木球男選手各一名為研究對象,進行十次全揮桿動作分析,利用Vicon MX13 System 八架紅外線高速攝影機、兩塊Kistler測力板及Biovision肌電系統,同步收集選手的生物力學資料,並利用Vicon Nesux 1.2及Dasy Lab 6.0軟體進行分析與比較。結果發現:一、運動學部份,在揮桿時間上,高爾夫選手比木球選手的上桿較慢、下桿較快;在軸頂點與重心,高爾夫選手上桿頂點時,軸頂點微偏右側、重心在右,而木球選手軸頂點則微偏左側、重心在右;身體旋轉角度上,高爾夫選手比木球選手製造更多旋轉;球桿速度上,高爾夫球的桿頭速度比木球快;揮桿軌跡上,高爾夫選手的揮桿軌跡接近於同一平面上,而木球選手下桿前期會將桿頭往前移。二、動力學部分,高爾夫選手擊球瞬間之右腳比左腳有較大的地面反作用力;木球選手擊球瞬間地面反作用力主要在左腳。三、上肢肌群肌電訊號部分,在下桿加速期與送桿前期,高爾夫選手右手屈腕肌、右手肱三頭肌的訊號超過50%MVC,帶動手臂與手腕的加速揮桿;而木球選手的右手屈腕肌在送桿前期有明顯的作用現象,且在送桿前期與後期上肢肌群仍有較大的作用情形以穩定球桿。This study aims to compare and contrast the similarities and differences of kinematics, kinetics and arm muscle electromyography in swing movement between an elite college golfer and a woodball player. The whole swing movements of the players were collected ten times. Eight Vicon MX13 System cameras (ultrared rays high speed camera), two Kistler force platform and Biovision (electromyography), to collect the two players’ biomechanical data. Meanwhile, the software Vicon Nesux 1.2 and Dasy Lab 6.0 were adopted to analyze and compare the data. The results are as follow: 1. Kinematics: The golfer spent more time in back swing but less in forward swing than the woodball player. The swing velocity of the golf club head was faster than the woodball’s. The top end of the back swing, the golfer would move to the right side though the woodball player would go to the left side. The golfer made more trunk rotation than the woodball player. With regard to swing pattern, golfers’ side locus was more closed to the same plane while woodball players will move the club head forward. 2. Kinetics: At the moment of ball hitting, the ground reaction force of the two feet was similar of the golfer. The ground reaction force of right foot was greater than the left foot of woodball player. 3. Arm muscle electromyography: During forward swing acceleration and early follow through, both hands of the golfers’ upper arm EMG amplitude were great. However, the EMG amplitude of the woodball players’ flexor carpi in the right hand was greater than the left hand. The right hand EMG signal was apparently great from the acceleration period, the early follow through to the late follow through in order to stabilize the club.肌電圖動力學運動學EMGkineticskinematicswoodballgolf高爾夫與木球選手全揮桿動作之生物力學分析Biomechanical Analysis of Whole Swing between Golfers and Woodball Players