國立臺灣師範大學地理學系陳俊愷張國楨施明志 2015-09-032015-09-032010-06-011021-8661http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74896台灣平均每年受四到五個颱風侵襲,其所挾帶強風豪雨除常對居民生命財產直接或間接的損害,其 中對農產品的損害更是難以估計。台灣浮筏式牡蠣棚架養殖海域近四萬四千公頃,每受侵襲、近乎全毀。 在廣大海域以人工進行現地勘災,往往需要投入大量人力,農損估算及重建啟動,常逾半年之久。福爾 摩沙衛星二號為每日再訪之衛星,其影像應有助於災後分析。本研究即福爾摩沙衛星二號影像,經影像 處理、影像分類與GIS 空間分析,進行台南沿海牡蠣養殖棚架個數估算,經與人工逐一判釋資料比較, 具98.4%的準確度。未來藉由此快速準確的調查方法,將可提供進行沿海牡蠣養殖、長期掌握牡蠣養殖 情形,於風災結束後,可於數小時內完成災情分析,有利於災後迅速重建。Typhoons, frequently visit Taiwan in average of 4 to 5 per year, often cause direct or indirectly damage to lives and properties, and the agricultural related damage is most severe due to the extremely strong wind and heavy rain. In Taiwan, the oyster culture occupies about 44 thousands of hectares, and the culturing raft is vulnerable to the attack of typhoon. Conventionally, the estimation of the typhoon caused damage of oyster culture requires considerable human effort for on-site investigation, and the whole process may last for more than 6 months. FORMOSAT-2, a satellite that passes Taiwan daily, is potentially a powerful tool to assist the estimation of typhoon caused damages. In the present study, through the image processing, classification and GIS spatial analysis of the FORMOSAT-2 images the typhoon cause damage to the oyster culture has been estimated. A 98.4 % of accuracy was obtained as compared with the result of on-site calculation. Therefore, we concluded that the analysis of FORMOSAT-2 images could provide a time saving but accurate method for damage estimation of coastal oyster farming. The completion of the analysis is within a few hours once received the images, and thus the oyster farm culture could be reconstructed with no time lagging.福衛二號衛星影像處理影像分類空間分析FORMOSAT-2Satellite image processingImage classificationSpatial analysis福衛二號影像應用於牡蠣棚架數量估算Application of FORMOSAT-2 Imagery on Estimating the Number of Oyster Scaffolding