葉德明Te-Ming Yeh周美宏Mei-Hong Chou2019-08-282008-7-142019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094242101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86266聽力是第二語言教學中不可或缺的組成部分,但對第二語言的學習者來說,卻往往是最難掌握和最難提升的一項技能,尤其是對真實情境的對話語料,學生更是常常難以聽懂。為提高學生聽力水平,本文試著從人類心理語言學之認知模式出發,以華語為第二語言的聽力教學結合運用基模理論進行探討。 在一般綜合課程中,加入「聽力理解的練習」和「網路初級華語聽力練習」的課程訓練,可提高聽力理解之技能,以提升學生之學習成就。以國籍比例接近的兩組初級華語學生做實驗,並檢視實驗組在實驗後是否達到顯著差異。Internet listening comprehension training plays a major part in L2 teaching. However, listening skills are the most difficult for L2 learners to acquire, especially when they are exposed to a variety of authentic conversations in real life situations. Based on human cognitive models, this paper is an attempt to apply the schema to the listening comprehension training of Mandarin as a second language. The listening comprehension training was added to the regular curriculum of a classroom and supplemented by Internet listening comprehension training. The results were then compared to a control group. Each group had an equivalent number of students with the same native language background. This study examines the different test results in listening comprehension between the experimental and control groups.第二語言學習認知模式基模理論聽力理解網路聽力訓練learn a second languagecognitionschemalistening comprehensionInternet Listening Comprehension Training華語作為第二語言之網路聽力教學設計──以初級學習者為例L2 Internet Listening Comprehension Training for Beginning Mandarin Students