黃秋華曾玉村陸偉明Chiu-Hua HuangYuhtsuen TzengWei-Ming Luh2016-05-042016-05-042014-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78120由於中文文本出現零代詞的頻率相當高,兒童處理零代詞文本的推論能力對閱讀理解便具關鍵性的影響,然而目前有關零代詞推論能力發展的相關研究相當匱乏,尤其是提及順位對不同發展階段的中文兒童零代詞推論的影響。本研究對象為二到五年級學童,每個年級選取43-52人,總計206人,以重覆測量二因子混合設計變異數分析(2x4)探討零代詞指涉第一和第二順位對二、三、四、五年級兒童進行零代詞推論的影響。結果顯示,隨著年級愈高進行零代詞推論的反應時間愈短,其中,五年及兒童在零代詞指涉第一順位的反應時間會快於第二順位,顯示此階段已發展出首位優勢推論的規則。但提及順位對二、三、四年級兒童進行零代詞推論並沒有顯著效果。最後根據本研究結果提出未來探討兒童代詞推論議題以及教學實務上的建議。Pronoun resolution is vital for building a coherent mental representation during comprehension. Yet, sentences with zero pronouns occur frequently in our elementary textbooks. Little is known about what factors and how they may affect young reader's zero pronoun resolution processing. Thus, this study aims to describe Chinese children's zero pronoun resolution development. A total of 206 2nd-5th grade students were selected with 43 52 from each grade. By adopting a two-way ANOVA mixed design, we investigated the influence of order of mention of pronoun on reaction time in the situation where gender semantic features cues were absent in the text. The results indicated that the older the students, the shorter the reaction time for zero pronoun resolution. Moreover, for the 5th graders, the reaction time for resolving the first-mentioned pronoun was faster than that for the second-mentioned. Therefore, the first-mention advantage is a stable phenomenon on zero pronoun resolution for these age groups. However, there was no significant effect on order of mention for 2nd-4th graders. We provide suggestions for future research and instruction implications based on these findings.首位優勢現象提及順位零代詞order-or-mentionthe advantage or first mentionzero pronoun resolution提及順位在中文兒童零代詞推論的效應The effects of order of mention in zero pronoun resolution for young Chinese readers