闕月清Keh, Nyit Chin詹恩華Chan, En-Hua2019-09-052019-7-282019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060130001A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105506在課程這條跑道上,教師透過實踐課程的過程,覺知到課程的問題產生對課程的意識。本研究的目的在探討體育教師實踐個人與社會責任模式 (TPSRM) 的課程意識,並針對課程意識的三個層面-專業知識、自我與環境的覺知進行深入探究。跑道上的主角為兩名實施TPSRM的國中體育教師,分別為一名女性教師及一名男性教師。方法採敘事研究取向,並以訪談、參與觀察與文件分析等方法詮釋兩位教師的課程意識。兩位教師透過訴說對TPSRM課程的覺知與省思,促進其專業的成長與發展。本研究結果呈現兩位老師在跑道上自我孤獨與逆風飛翔的故事。當回顧跑道上的點點滴滴時,他們共同覺知到:一、專業知識的覺知:教師在實踐TPSRM中,透過對學習者知識的覺知,能促進其課程意識的提升。二、自我覺知:教師在實踐TPSRM課程之教育理念為重視學生與人互動的態度,並且隨著外在因素的影響。三、環境覺知:教師意識到社會、家長、學校組織與政策的影響,在實踐TPSRM的課程時必須順應與調適,找尋教學實踐的平衡點。最後,本研究針對兩位教師的意識轉化歷程,提出在TPSRM跑道上的啟示:一、教師需提升對TPSRM課程意識的覺醒。二、教師在實踐個人與社會責任模式時建議利用教學策略突破時間與環境的限制。In the curriculum track, teachers practice their curriculum through teaching, they are aware of their curriculum problem and have curriculum consciousness. The purpose of this study was to examine the physical education teachers’ curriculum consciousness in practicing of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSRM) and analyze three levels of curriculum consciousness: awareness of professional knowledge, self and environment. One female and male junior high school PE teachers who practiced TPSRM were the two participants on the curriculum track. Narrative research approach was used to collected data by interviews, observations and document analysis. Through this study, teachers reflected on curriculum praxis and brought awareness to their curriculum consciousness, thus promoted their professional growth and development. The results were presented in the form of two teachers’ lonely and challenging stories. Back to the track, the two teachers were aware that: 1. Awareness of professional knowledge: Teachers enhanced their curriculum consciousness through the knowledgeof learners in practicing TPSRM. 2. Self-awareness: Teachers’ teaching philosophy were focused on the attitude of interacting with others, and influenced by the external factors. 3. Awareness of environment: Teachers were aware of society, parent, school organization and policy, they made adjustment in practicing TPSRM to reach a balance point. According to the process of consciousness, two suggestions were made: 1. The need to upgrade the awareness of teachers’ curriculum consciousness in TPSRM. 2. To consider the use of teaching strategies to break through the restrictions of time and environment, in order to implement TPSRM more systematically and effectively.課程意識課程價值取向教師反思個人與社會責任模式敘事研究curriculum consciousnesscurriculum value orientationteachers’ reflectionTeaching Personal and Social Responsibility Modelnarrative research跑道上的覺醒-兩位國中體育教師實踐個人與社會責任模式之課程意識Awakening on the Track: Two Junior High School Physical Education Teachers’ Curriculum Consciousness in Practicing Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model