陳書梅劉益君Chen Su-may SheihYi-Chun Liu2016-05-042016-05-042014-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77948在全球化趨勢與產業結構劇烈變化的影響下,當代大學生進行生涯規劃或尋求個人就業發展時,易衍生猶豫未決、徬徨憂慮之感。此際,具有豐沛圖書資訊資源的大學圖書館,可嘗試針對大學生的生涯資訊需求,提供當事者所需之「生涯資訊服務」。本研究運用半結構式深度訪談法,以24 位國立臺灣大學之大學部學生為研究對象,探討大學生之生涯資訊需求、尋求生涯資訊之管道,以及其對大學圖書館提供生涯資訊服務之看法。研究結果發現,引起受訪者生涯資訊需求的內在動機主要為「不確定未來的生涯方向」,外在動機則主要為「面對現實壓力而必須做決定」。至於受訪大學生首要期望獲取之生涯資訊類型,則為「職業內容概況與學科領域之出路」,且紙本、網路、視聽資料皆為受訪者偏好之生涯資訊形式,而搜尋生涯資訊的主要管道為人際管道及網路。另外,受訪者皆對於大學圖書館提供生涯資訊服務抱持正面的態度。Under the impact of global economic trend and industrial structure change, contemporary undergraduate may find it difficult to make career planning and occupational choice. While theundergraduates are in need of acquiring career information, university libraries could provide explicit resources to fulfill undergraduates’ demand. This refers to the so-called “career information service”. In this study, semi-structured in-depth interviews were deployed. The researchers interviewed 24 undergraduates in National Taiwan University to understand the need of undergraduates’ career information. According to study results, uncertainty of occupational development is the intrinsic motivation of seeking career information; while the extrinsic motivation is the pressure from the urgency to make decision. Career information about general situation of different occupations and the future development of certain academic region were the most expected. The interviewees preferred paper, internet, and media resources, and they received career information mainly from acquaintance and the Internet. All of the interviewees approved that university libraries could provide career information services.生涯資訊生涯資訊服務大學生大學圖書館Career InformationCareer Information ServiceUndergraduateUniversity Library大學生對生涯資訊需求之探索性研究Exploring Undergraduates’ Needs for Career Information: A Qualitative Approach