楊智晶Chih-Ching Emily Yang2014-10-272014-10-271999-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15148由於在這資訊爆炸的時代,任何一座圖書館單憑其有限的人力、館藏,已無法 完全滿足讀者求知的需求。尤其是技專校院圖書館的經費有限,只有透過各校圖書館彼此之 間的合作,才能彌補各校經費短缺之困境,運用有效資源,讓各校圖書資訊的運用,達到最 高效果。全國技專校院的圖書館,目前依據教育部支持的「全國技專校院圖書館館際合作計畫」 ,正邁開大步於87年12月1日起,持全國技專校院的圖書館館際合作借書證便可「一卡通行 」於全國各技專校院圖書館,其它合作項目還有「期刊複印」、「參考諮詢」、以及「經驗 分享」。至88年3月16日統計為止,全國技專校院圖書館共81所,其中表明〞要參與此計畫 〞之圖書館數有73所,佔91%;表明〞不要參與此計畫〞之圖書館數有2所,佔2%;尚未答 覆者有2所,佔7%,本文將介紹「全國技專校院圖書館館際合作計畫」的源由、實行之方式 及執行現況。In the information explosion age, it is not sufficient for a library to satisfy its users with its limited man power and collection resources. In particular, due to the limited budget of the technological and vocational education libraries, the only way for these libraries to utilize their resources effectively and efficiently is through the close cooperation among them to compensate the shortage of their budgets. The technological and vocational education libraries all over the country had started with a cooperation plan among them under the support of the Ministry of Education. Starting from December 1st of 1998, one can enjoy the services provided by these libraries all over the country by using only one interlibrary loan card. The services include the book sharing, duplication of the journals, reference service, and sharing of library management experiences. In this paper, we will introduce the backgroud, contents, and implementation of this plan.館際互借館藏發展政策合作館藏發展核心館藏Interlibrary loanCollection development policyCooperative collection developmentCore collection談全國技專校院圖書館館際合作之執行現況Current Interlibrary Loan Study for the Technological and Vocational Education Libraries