江柏煒Chiang, Bo-Wei郭大敬Kuo, Ta-Ching2024-12-172024-02-022024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/37cec2853ece55f155d06d13a17d9d53/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122147臺灣總督府為了配合阿里山林業資源開採,於嘉義市北門地區投入巨額經費建構嘉義製材所。日治時期嘉義製材所佔地廣大,具有許多現代化製材設施,創下許多嘉義第一,更被稱為東洋第一。嘉義製材所竣工至今已超過百年,過去為嘉義地區製材產業核心場域。隨著產業文化資產保存意識抬頭,部分產業空間藉由活化再利用轉換功能。本研究嘗試分析嘉義製材所各時期發展,探討其身分價值的轉換,藉由訪談主管機關及經營管理單位,瞭解嘉義製材所保存及再利用情形。爬梳阿里山林業暨鐵道文化景觀相關政策,瞭解目前推動阿里山產業鏈串聯、整合的實踐程度。這些政策實施不僅重現過往製材產業場景,更能使社會大眾瞭解嘉義製材所的重要性。最後以維護場域完整性與真實性,探究阿里山林場、嘉義製材所及沿線車站聚落保存藍圖,是否完整呈現阿里山產業鏈過去的樣貌,藉此驗證嘉義製材產業系統對於當代社會的價值意義。The Government-General of Taiwan invested significant funds in the construction of the Chiayi Timber Factory in the Beimen area of Chiayi City to support the exploitation of forestry resources in Alishan. During the Japanese colonial period, Chiayi Timber Factory occupied a vast area and featured many modern timbering facilities, achieving numerous"Firsts" in Chiayi and earning the nickname "The First in the Orient." Having completed construction over a century ago, the Chiayi Timber Factory was historically a main place for the timbering industry in the Chiayi region. With the rise of awareness for conserving industrial heritage, some industrial spaces undergo revitalization and reuse. This study attempts to analyze the various developmental phases of the Chiayi Timber Factory, exploring the transformation of its identity and value. Through interviews with governing authorities and management unit, insight into the conservation and reuse of Chiayi Timber Factory is gained. The study also examines policies related to the Cultural Landscape of Alishan Forestry and Railway, understanding the current level of implementation in linking and integrating the Alishan industry chain.These policies not only recreate scenes from the past timbering industry but also enhance public understanding of the significance of Chiayi Timber Factory. Finally, with the aim of conserving the integrity and authenticity of the site, the research investigates whether the conservation blueprint for Alishan forestry, Chiayi Timber Factory, and stations settlements along the railway faithfully represents the appearance of the Alishan industry chain in the past. This serves to validate the value in the contemporary society of the Chiayi timbering industry system.嘉義製材所阿里山林業暨鐵道文化景觀產業文化資產保存活化再利用Chiayi Timber FactoryCultural Landscape of Alishan Forest and RailwayConservation of Industrial HeritageRevitalization and Reuse真實性保存概念下的產業文化資產發展:以嘉義製材所為例Development of Industrial Heritage Under the Concept of Authenticity Conservation: A Case Study of Chiayi Timber Factory學術論文