董秀蘭Shiow-Lan Doong邱德慈Te-Tzu Chiu2019-08-282017-7-242019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599073106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88520本研究旨在探討創造思考教學方案實施於國中公民課程政治議題,教師在研發及實施創造思考教學過程中所遇到的問題和修正方式,並瞭解透過創造思考教學方案的實施能提供國中學生哪些不同的政治課程學習經驗。 本研究採行動研究取徑,結合「有聲思考法」、「參與觀察法」、「文件分析法」、「訪談法」四種研究方法,利用學生學習單、教師錄音紀錄、教學札記、課堂觀察紀錄表、課堂回饋單、非正式訪談紀錄等研究工具,進行研究資料的蒐集與分析,並作為研究者進行教學方案反省檢討、調整行動與評鑑的依據。資料的處理與分析則以文本內容的質性分析為主;課堂回饋表有部分問卷題目需採量化統計時,則進行次數分配百分比的簡單描述統計。 研究於101學年度第一學期正式實施,研究場域為研究者任教之台北市某國中,研究者配合八年級上學期翰林版教科書內容,採融入式課程設計,以「這樣民主了嗎?」與「公民動起來」為主題,設計兩個創造思考教學方案,分別於學期初和學期末實施。研究參與者為研究者任教的八年級學生,共計六個班級190人。研究者亦邀請本校公民科教師擔任協同研究者,對研究者在創造思考教學方案設計和實施過程中,提出建議並協助教室觀察,作為修正教學行動之重要參考。 研究結果發現:創造思考教學方案能夠提升學生的學習興趣;多元評量方式能讓學生發揮更大思考空間,也能從不同角度去深入思辨民主的價值;而實施班級公民行動方案則有助於學生整合公民知識、情意、公共參與能力的學習。最後研究者針對行動研究中所遭遇的問題與修正方法,提出未來研究方向與實務操作的建議,以供後續研究的參考。This research explores a teaching for creative thinking program on democratic political issues implemented in the Civics curriculum at a junior high school in Taipei, as well as the problems the teacher encounters while developing and implementing the program. It also aims to understand students’ learning experiences of the program. This study utilizes action research approach using “think-aloud task”, “participant observation”, “document analysis” and “interview method” to collect data. The data is gathered from students’ worksheets, teachers’ reflection records and teaching diaries, classroom observation records by co-researchers, interview records and students’ feedback sheets. The data is analyzed mainly through qualitative methods with very minimum descriptive statistics for frequency distribution of students’ feedback sheets. This study was conducted during the first semester of the academic year of 2012-2013, at the junior high school where the researcher currently teaches. In accordance with textbook contents, the researcher designed two units and applied them at the start and end of the semester. The participants are 190 eighth grade students from 6 classes. The researcher also invited other Civic teachers of the school to be co-researchers. The advice they provided is an important reference for the researcher on modifying the program. Based upon the action research results, the researcher finds that the teaching for creative thinking program can increase students’ interest in learning. Multiple assessments can help students think about the value of democracy from different points of view. Implementing civic action projects in class can assist students to integrate the learning of civic cognition, affection and public participation. Finally, based on these findings, the researcher makes some suggestions as reference for future studies.創造思考創造思考教學民主政治議題creative thinkingteaching for creative thinkingdemocratic political issues國中公民課程民主政治議題創造思考教學之行動研究