國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所卜小蝶鍾季倫郭佩宜 2015-07-032015-07-032005-12-011026-5279http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73063為協助使用者尋找高品質的學術性主題資源,9 0年代起國外陸續有不少主題式資源指引網站(Subject Gateway)的建置,這類網站在國內尚屬起步。本文希望藉由重要主題式資源指引網站的內容分析,探究其意涵與價值、歸納各類型之特性、瞭解各國發展現況、及列舉重要研究議題。最後也將針對主題式資源指引網站所面臨的協同合作、互通性、永續經營等挑戰提出建議,以供國內發展時參考。To help users find quality subject-based information on the web, numerous Subject Gateways (SG) were developed in these years. Such subject entrances have been recog-nized in many countries, whereas less found in Taiwan. Through content analysis of a few representative SG, this article explored the meaning and value of SG, analyzed the types and characteristics, realized the development situation of other countries and some issues were also brought up for discussion. The authors finally provided a few sugges-tions for the development of SG in Taiwan.主題式資源指引網站主題目錄網路資源整理Subject gatewaySubject directoryInternet resources organization主題式資源指引網站之發展初探An Exploratory Study on the Development of Subject Gateways