李瑛Lee, Ying林淑慧Lin, Shu-Huei2023-12-082023-08-152023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8d0446ada71cae2722c3f8061664d5ec/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119700本研究以世界和平婦女會幸福人生培力方案七位帶領人為研究對象,以質性研究深度訪談法,從社會資本理論探討帶領人參與培力的學習動機及學習歷程,經由探尋自我,提升自信與人際關係,拓展其社會資本。 結論如下:一、帶領人的參與學習動機以改善人際關係、拓展社交網絡為主,與其原初之社會資本要素相關。二、帶領人參與培力都經歷發現問題、反省問題、解決問題與付出行動之轉化學習歷程。帶領人參與培力都經歷人際相處問題,發現舊觀點的限制,通過反思性的 深刻學習,去除限制觀點的因素,找到有效資源,以新觀點詮釋其經驗,在生活中付諸行動,進而帶來轉化學習與成長。 此學習歷程並非線性,而是帶領人在不同培力階段及實踐場域中彼此交錯影響,特別從工作坊的備課演練中,因需將所學落實在生活運用的經驗,經消化統整後,在社區讀書會中帶領學員,使帶領人更深層地反思覺察其學習歷程的轉化。 三、幸福人生培力方案之課程、教學與師資都重視人的價值,信任尊重及關係互動連結,能提升帶領人的社會資本。 培力課程內容兼具知識、技能、價值態度面向,結合學習與服務的模式。師資專業諮商心理師,教學以學員需求為主,上述特色有助於帶領人發揮所能與建立良好人際關係,提升社會資本。 四、帶領人通過培力方案之學習歷程有助於人際關係改善,提升社會資本。 帶領人通過培力之學習歷程帶來轉化學習與成長,與家人及團體成員的互動中,體認到基於信任及相互理解的網絡互動,與建立在互惠互助的共同規範與價值,進而產生的承諾和歸屬感,連結到獲取資源的多元性資訊管道。 最後,依據研究之分析與結論提出建議,包括:1.建議非營利組織持續提供帶領人志工專業學習,以深化其服務技能;2.建議女性多參與政府及社團舉辦之學習課程,或大學或研究所進修,拓展社會資源及連結網絡。3.建議政府提供更多資源與經費支持婦女學習。This Study adopts seven facilitators engaged in the Happy Life Empowerment Program at the Women's Federation for World Peace as the subjects, whose motives for participation and the process of learning, furthermore the changing of the social capital are explored by qualitative in-depth interviews. The findings are as follows: 1.The motivations of participation for the facilitators of the Happy Life Empowerment Program are to improve interpersonal relationships and expand their social networks, which are related to their initial social capital. 2.Each of the facilitators undergoes a transformative learning process that involves identification, reflection, solving and taking actions for her facing problems.3.The facilitators improve their interpersonal relationships and enhance their social capital through the process of transformative learning.4.The curriculum, teaching, and instructors of the Happy Life Empowerment Program emphasize human values, trust and respect, and interactive relations, which may enhance the social capital of the facilitators.Finally, the following recommendations are proposed based on the analyses and conclusions of the study: 1) Nonprofit organizations are advised to proceed its provision of professional learning opportunities for volunteer facilitators in order to deepen their service expertise; 2) women may be encouraged to further participate in learning activities to expand their social resources and networks; and 3) The government is advised to provide more resources and establish platforms to support women's learning.世界和平婦女會幸福人生培力方案帶領人學習歷程社會資本非營利組織Women’s Federation for World PeaceFacilitators of Happy Life Empowerment Programprocess of learningsocial capitalnonprofit organizations世界和平婦女會幸福人生培力方案帶領人的學習歷程與社會資本之研究A Study on the Learning Process and Social Capital for Facilitators of Happy Life Empowerment Program at Women’s Federation for World Peaceetd