常紹如Chang, Shau-ju吳菀婷Wu, Wan-Ting2019-09-032018-08-202019-09-032018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0505213101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97348過去數十年來,臺灣英語教學課堂上文法教學始終扮演核心的角色。然而,當檢視學生在相關成就測驗上的表現時,卻發現使用傳統、明示教學的文法翻譯法似乎對提升文法的效果有限;因此近年來,漸漸有使用所謂的「隱性教學法」(即聚焦於其他能力面向的間接文法教學法)來加強學習者文法習得的趨勢。本研究旨在檢視重複朗讀練習間接提升文法學習之效果,同時並探究此方法對於不同英語學習成就者之成效。研究參與者共包含52位北台灣的國中學生,其中26人被隨機分派為實驗組接受朗讀練習,另外26人則是接受傳統紙筆練習的對照組。研究數據包含文法觀念的前測、後測以及課文朗讀流暢度的隨堂測驗,並以T檢定進行分析。研究結果顯示:比起傳統紙筆練習,重複朗讀練習更能幫助參與者,尤其是低學習成就學生,有效習得文法規則;可能原因為參與者對於句法分析與音韻的熟識,以及課堂投入程度的提升。冀望本研究能激發並鼓勵本地英語教師嘗試以其他教學法來增進學生文法能力。Grammar instruction has served as the core in English teaching in Taiwanese classrooms for the past decades. However, with examination of students’ performance on relevant achievement tests, the traditional explicit approach, Grammar- Translation Method, appeared to have limited contribution to their grammar learning. Thus, in recent years, there has been a growing trend to utilize implicit instruction, which refers to indirect grammar teaching approaches focusing on other aspects of competence, to enhance learners’ grammar acquisition. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of repeated read-aloud practice on enhancing Taiwanese students’ learning of grammatical rules indirectly and its efficacy on learners of different achievement levels. The participants included 52 junior high school learners in northern Taiwan, with 26 of them randomly chosen as the experimental group receiving read-aloud practice while the other 26 as the control group receiving traditional written practice. The research data contained a pre-test and a post-test on grammar and oral reading fluency quizzes on reading textbook lessons, which were then analyzed statistically through T-tests. The findings revealed that, compared to traditional written practice, repeated read-aloud practice was more effective in promoting the participants’ grammar rules acquisition, especially for lower-achieving students. The possible factors might have been their acquaintance of syntactic parsing and prosody and the promotion of their engagement in class. Hence, hopefully, the study may inspire and encourage local English teachers to attempt to apply other instructional approaches to enhance learners’ grammar competence.文法學習隱性教學朗讀臺灣grammar learningimplicit instructionreading aloudTaiwan重複朗讀練習對於臺灣國中生文法學習之影響研究Effects of Repeated Reading-aloud Practice on Taiwanese Junior High Students’ Learning of Grammatical Rules