吳舜文李宛錚Lee, Wan-Cheng2019-09-062023-12-312019-09-062018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004903121%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108112本研究旨在瞭解國高中合唱指導者的合唱教學理念與教學實踐。本研究方法採用個案研究,以一位任教於新竹地區高中合唱團之音樂女教師作為研究對象,並運用訪談、觀察研究法進行資料蒐集,同時實施三角檢測,以確認研究資料之效度。依據研究發現與結果,將研究結論呈現如下: 壹、個案教師指導高中合唱社團的教學信念 一、看待合唱的視角著眼於教師的角色:個案教師以亦師亦友的角色與學生一同築構夢想的團隊,提供其多元音樂展演的機會,個案教師亦具備進修熱情,持續增進其藝術涵養,再反饋回所帶領的合唱團。 二、合唱教學方法與訓練落實於教學活動:善用「親聲」示範和具體化學習策略進行持之以恆的歌聲訓練,逐步奠定團員歌唱能力,建立其登台自信 三、從心出發建設合唱團的團隊經營之道:個案教師重視合唱團幹部主體性發展的空間,營造和諧的師生關係。 四、眾樂樂的合唱推廣理念落實於課程設計:透過音樂會多元曲目和活化的表演形式,帶動社區音樂氣氛,亦透過別具一格的高中音樂課程設計,讓高二學生體驗合唱與阿卡貝拉和聲之美。 五、重視親師關係與學校同仁互動:活動事前與家長進行充分溝通,也主動協助學校活動,經營與學校同仁之互助關係。 貳、個案教師指導高中合唱社團的教學實踐 一、面面俱到的合唱團組織作業:個案教師從學期初開始,親力親為執行一系列合唱團組織作業,嚴謹地領導合唱成軍,並事先規劃學習目標與團務細節,執行效率團練。 二、親「聲」示範的合唱團教學 : (一)個案教師重視歌曲教唱前的呼吸、共鳴、發聲活動,並帶入具體化教學方法,以多感官方式帶領學生學習歌唱,亦時常親自範唱,讓學生能透過模仿與教師的口頭說明,瞭解如何達到教師之演唱要求。 (二)個案教師會考量學生、教師、演出目的與效果三方面來選擇曲目,平時亦積極參與研討會、合唱團或上網聆賞,累積多樣性的合唱曲目。 (三)個案教師重視引導團員掌握正確的咬字發音、體會歌曲意境,詮釋音樂氛圍。The purpose of the study was to explore the senior high school choral instructor’s teaching belief and practice. This study utilized a case study design. The research data were collected by interviewing and observing the choral rehearsals directed by the case teacher. After analyzing the collected data, the conclusions in this study were as follows: 1) The teaching belief of the senior high school choral instructor 1. The case teacher had enthusiastic about professional development and offered students multiple performance opportunities. 2. The case teacher used many learning strategies to build student’s ability and confidence in singing. 3. The case teacher put emphasis on the subjectivity of the cadres, and tried to foster team cohesion. 4. Through the diverse ways of performing form and programme arrangement in the concert, the case teacher promoted the musical atmosphere of the community. Also, through the music curriculum designed by the case teacher, students had experienced a cappella and choral music. 5. The case teacher put emphasis on coworker and parent-teacher communication. 2) The teaching practice of the senior high school choral instructor 1. The case teacher organized the choir at the beginning of the semester, and planned the learning goal and management details of the choir in advance, and executed effective teaching strategies. 2. The case teacher used vocal modeling, concrete and multisensory teaching strategies to develope students’ singing ability.The case teacher especially paid attention to choir warm-up activities for training breathing, resonance and vocalizing techniques. The case teacher based the choral repertoire selection on students’ ability, instrutor’s factors and the purpose of performance. The case teacher also attended more workshops and seminars, joined choirs herselves, or used the internet resources to expand her source of repertoire selection.The case teacher put emphasis on the singing diction and musical interpretation.教學信念教學實踐高中合唱團合唱指導者teaching beliefteaching practicesenior high school choirschoral instructors高中合唱社團指導者教學信念與實踐之個案研究A Case Study on Teaching Belief and Practice of a Senior High School Choir Instructor