張蕙雯Hui-Wen Chang2019-08-122019-08-122015-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81406本文試以章法與辭格來析論〈漁父〉一文在謀篇佈局與修辭技巧上的文章特色,在析論的層次上由大到小、由整體到細部,以求得其中的藝術美感。在章法形式上,從全文的三個情節段落,可以呈現思想主題的對立、文章的敘事及議論手法交錯,以及問與答、說與唱、對句與散句穿插運用等形式,顯現錯落有致的美戚。在修辭手法上,則從對句型態、設問手法、比興手法,來看全文在形式及思想、方面,如何將以上手法反覆運用、交錯進行,以體現文章的思想深度及藝術美成;包含了對句鋪排的語言氣勢、設辭問答的二元對立、比興手法所造就的怨刺思想的呈現。This paper try to analyze “Fisherman" 's article feature in the organization of composition and rhetoric skills. The analysis level is from the whole to the detail, in order to discover the aesthetic feeling. In the text structure, the three sections of the full text can presente the ideological opposition, the interleaved techniques of narrative and argumentative, questions and answers, conversation and singing, and the sentences of couplet and prose. In the rhetorical skills, this paper try to analyze the technique of couplet, questions, and BiXing's repeated use, in order to appear the depth of ideology and the aesthetic feeling .It's including language momentum of parallelism, the opposition of questions and answers, and the sarcasm in this article.楚辭漁父章法修辭Chu TzuFishermancomposition sciencerhetorics〈漁父〉章法與修辭手法析論An Analysis of the Rhetorical Skill and the Organization of Composition in “Fisherman"