國立臺灣師範大學英語學系路愷宜2015-09-032015-09-032010/09-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74243東歐流放經驗之生命書寫與歷史論述 本研究計畫將以現居於英美且具有東歐血統的作家(如Vesna Goldsworthy、Kapka Kassabova、Susan Suleiman、Eva Hoffman、Anca Vlasopolos)為主要研究對象,藉由他們的作品來探討目前仍屬較少學者涉獵的後共產主義之生命書寫經驗,期能透過本研究拓展自傳文學研究領域。這些移居國外或是具有跨國經驗的當代東歐流放作家於其幼年或是青少年早期都曾受到共產主義的影響,即使後來因為某些原因離開家鄉,在西元1989年後,這些作家都在實際生活或是寫作經驗中重新探訪祖國。也由於具備著跨越不同空間的生活經驗以及個人獨有的人生體驗,這些作家的自傳作品具有相當高的研究價值。而這份研究計畫將試圖呈現這些東歐流放作家的作品於文學批評理論或是(後)共產主義領域中的研究價值與地位。因此,本計畫的研究重點將會著眼於這些作家是如何回憶、紀錄以及呈現其祖國飽受爭議的歷史以及(後)共產主義的事實,並試圖探討將自傳書寫記憶置放於後共產主義之時空背景中的意義與價值。此外,本計畫亦將重新檢視這些以英文書寫並以西方讀者為主要閱讀對象的自傳作品如何讓英美國家的讀者重新理解與建構他們的東歐歷史文化觀。Eastern European Exiles’ Life Writing and the Discourses of History My research proposal is aimed as a contribution to the thriving field of autobiography studies, namely the uncharted territory of what I could tentatively call post-communist life writing by writers of Eastern European descent (Vesna Goldsworthy, Kapka Kassabova, Susan Suleiman, Eva Hoffman, Anca Vlasopolos), who live and publish in the UK and the US. They are contemporary Eastern European exiles, émigrés, or transnationals who lived their (early) childhood or adolescence under communism, left for various reasons their native countries and returned, physically and/or in writing, to revisit their countries after 1989. For different reasons and at different stages of their lives, they wrote highly interesting autobiographies, which are well worth exploring in detail. As my project attempts to demonstrate, life writing by contemporary Eastern European exiles can become the place par excellence of discussion and analysis for both the literary critic and the historian of post/communist regimes. To this end, I focus on how the autobiographers under analysis remember, record and represent both the contested pasts of their countries as well as the post/communist realities. The purposes to which autobiographical remembering lends itself in the post-communist context is another interest of my paper. Last but not least, I consider their autobiographical endeavours as particularly important because, being written in English and primarily addressed to a Western audience, they play a significant role in what I take to be a larger context of translating or recuperating Eastern European history and culture for an Anglo-American audience.生命書寫東歐流放文學後共產主義life writingEastern Europeexile literaturepost communism東歐流放經驗之生命書寫與歷史論述Eastern European Exiles' Life Writing and the Discourses of History