國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所張俊彥2014-12-022014-12-022011-08-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42729自95年度始經二梯次的計畫案徵選,第一期高瞻計畫共有28個高中職參與進行計 畫案的推動,其中22個計畫案已結案,6個計畫案亦將執行至2011年7月31日止。 鑑於高瞻計畫為國科會首次直接補助高中職進行研究性質的多年期計畫案,其執 行成效的評估分析將有助於提供後續高瞻計畫推動的規畫依據。本高瞻計畫執行 成效評估子計畫旨在評估第一期高瞻計畫創新科學課程發展模式對學生學習成 效、教師專業發展及學校組織變革的影響及其相關因素的探討。透過後設分析、 教室觀察、訪談、座談會及文件分析,評估第一期高瞻計畫執行成效,並分區舉 辦座談會調查分析第一階段高瞻計畫需求。此評估計畫的研究發現將提供高瞻計 畫後續推動或推廣方向的參考依據並對我國在發展新興科技融入校本位課程發 展的課程政策提出改革建議。除此之外,本計畫將依據第一期高瞻計畫優秀成果, 並參酌目前尖端科技與學術研究,初步設計、規畫未來值得發展的新興科技融入 教學。我們期許藉由將上述成果分享於分區定期舉辦之高中職教師行動研究工作 坊以及計畫撰寫工作坊,能提供教師嶄新的觀念,並做為各校發展第二期高瞻計 畫之新興取向。As the High Scope program is the first time for the National Science Council to directly subsidize high schools to conduct multi-year projects with research in nature, the evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of its implementation will be helpful in providing guidance to the High Scope program in future planning and implementation. This project aims to systemic evaluate the effectiveness of instructions developed from the phase I High Scope program, and to implement the instruction to the national schools. The execution of the project will consist of two components in terms of evaluation and extension, and consist of four subprojects. The first subproject aims to evaluate the effectiveness of instructions on students’ science learning, teachers’ professional development, and schools’ resource integration and coordination. The second subproject is to promote research abilities to science teachers. The third subproject is trying to implement the instructions to the national schools. The forth subproject purpose to implement appropriate instructions to remote schools, based on students’ cognitive development and local culture. It is anticipated that the result of this project will extension fruitful result of first high scope program to the national schools. Moreover, the systemic analysis of the results from the first high scope program can be important indicators in the development of the second high scope program. We expect that executing the proposed project will promote high school students’ science literacy and science teachers’ professional development.高瞻計畫科學教育探究課程High-scope Programscience educationinquiry-based curriculum「高」聲遠播「瞻」向未來 成果推廣與評估計畫-子計畫一---鑒往知來---高瞻計畫執行成效之後設分析