信世昌Hsin, Shih-Chang陳芊卉Chen, Chien-Hui2019-08-282019-8-132019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699800148%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86573幽默為教育的第一助手,目前卻未在華語教學領域取得重視。本論文旨在強調言語幽默融入華語教學的合理性,探討如何運用言語幽默題材於中級華語教學等問題,並以捷克馬薩里克大學中級華語學習者為研究對象。 本研究首先介紹幽默與語言的關係、言語幽默融入教學的作用以及中級華語與幽默相關華語教學設計等三項主題文獻;其次,分析言語幽默題材在5套華語教材的使用情況、訪問7位教師和問卷調查97位捷克大學華語學習者對於言語幽默運用於華語教學的意見。最後,以溝通式教學法和ASSURE教學系統設計模式規劃相關教學設計,並實際付諸教學試驗於捷克馬薩里克大學中級華語課程,試圖從課堂觀察、集體座談、成效測驗、個別訪談和問卷回饋等五項結果回應研究問題。 根據研究過程得到以下結論,第一,言語幽默題材融入華語教學能提昇學習興趣並幫助達到學習目標;第二,題材的選擇以符合課程內容、學習者華語程度、自身背景和興趣,且具目標語文化知識性質之幽默篇章題材為佳,並不限於Schmitz(2002)之幽默篇章外語教學排序,第三,以溝通式教學法之特色,融入教師清晰口條和肢體語言,能夠充分發揮言語幽默題材之作用,並有效提高學習者的聽力理解、詞彙數量、語言使用、篇章賞析與文化知識的能力。此外,在教學程序上,言語幽默性質之寒暄可運用在課程開始和結尾,與學習內容相關之題材則適合於教學過程中導入。針對中級華語學習者,教師最好在提供言語幽默題材前預先告示學生,以攫獲注意力區分情境差異,過程中確認學生已熟悉生詞,並搭配合宜的肢體語言或聲音圖像強化幽默效果。以上,言語幽默題材若適當融入中級華語教學,既能有效營造愉悅學習環境,又能提高中文學習興趣與成效。Humor has served as an effective facilitator in education for years, yet it has not yet been emphasized in Chinese Teaching as a Second Language. Thus, this study explores the possibility, materials, and methods with a teaching experiment involving the students of the Masaryk University, Czech Republic. The study consists of research questions followed by literature review and needs analysis. It is based on the Communicative Approach and ASSURE model in the curriculum design, followed by the teaching experiment. The result is later revealed through classroom observation, group discussions, a written test, interviews, and questionnaires given to the participants. The results show that first, appropriate verbal humor helps foster a friendly and effective Chinese learning environment. Second, teachers may incorporate materials using verbal humor related to the lesson goal, students’ personal background and interests, level of Chinese proficiency, and target-culture information into the teaching content. The use of the material is not limited to the progression by Schmitz (2002). Third, by combining the Communicative Approach with the instructor’s delivery and body language skill, the participants elevate their proficiency in listening, vocabulary, language use, context, and culture awareness. In addition, material presented with cues in advance is better understood by the learners of intermediate level of Chinese. The instructors are encouraged to utilize sufficient body language or pictures to amplify humorous effects. In summary, integrating material using verbal humor appropriately is beneficial for teaching Chinese as a Second Language.言語幽默幽默題材華語教學教學設計個案研究verbal humorhumorous materialChinese teachingcurriculum designcase study言語幽默題材融入中級華語教學之個案研究Integrating Material of Verbal Humor for Intermediate Level of Chinese Teaching: A Case Study