李介至Jie-Zhi Lee2019-08-122019-08-122014-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/83926本研究目的在考驗技職學生職業性別信念、職業激勵及職涯不確定之關係,從職業激勵之觀點解釋為何某些學生選擇與自身性別相異之工作職業。抽樣方法透過叢集抽樣抽取12所技職校院,再於每所學校內抽取傳統男性及女性職業性別印象之科系共453名學生為受試者。研究工具包含職業性別信念量表、職涯不確定量表及職業激勵量表,分析方法包含t檢定及徑路分析。研究結果顯示:(1)傳統職業性別印象之學生在職業激勵、職業性別信念及職涯不確定之得分高於非傳統職業性別印象之學生。(2)在非傳統職業性別印象之學生中,職業激勵、職業性別信念及職涯不確定之間具有顯著關係。(3)在非傳統職業性別印象之學生中,男性及女性具有不同程度之職業激勵,男性在工作薪資激勵得分較高,女性在夥伴關係激勵得分較高,至於兩者在職業性別信念及職涯不確定之得分則相似。本研究並根據研究結果進行討論並提供建議。This purpose of this paper is to examine the correlation of occupational aspiration, occupational sex belief and career indecision among technological students. The participants were 453 students from 12 technological universities and research tools included occupational aspiration scale, occupational sex belief scale, and career indecision scale. Questionnaires were tested by t-test and path analysis. The results of this study were as follows: (1) Traditional and non-traditional vocational sex type students revealed different level of occupational aspiration, occupational sex belief, and career indecision. (2) For non-traditional vocational sex type students, partnership aspiration and salaried job aspiration decreased occupational sex belief and career indecision statistically. (3) It also demonstrated the different level of occupational aspiration among different gender students. The males were with a high degree of salaried job aspiration, but females with a high degree of partnership aspiration. Implications for theory, practice and research are discussed.職業性別信念職業激勵職涯不確定occupational aspirationoccupational sex beliefcareer indecision職業激勵對技職學生職業性別信念及職涯不確定之影響The Effect of Occupational Aspiration on Occupational Sex Belief and Career Indecision among Technological Students