王健華Wang, Chien-Hwa夏上雅Shia, Shang-ya2019-09-042011-7-62019-09-042005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693720097%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99715本研究主要為瞭解數位博物館使用經驗與使用需求,並進一步探討不同的使用經驗是否會影響數位博物館的使用意願及大學生對數位博物館網站功能項目的期許與需求程度。 本研究方法採用問卷調查法,透過文獻蒐集與整理歸納,並針對研究目的與問卷的需求,編制問卷調查表,對藝術與傳播相關背景的大學生進行問卷施測,共發放200份問卷,回收率達86.0%,經剔除無效問卷後,共回收有效問卷為158份。在資料分析上利用統計軟體SPSS進行統計分析,採用一般敘述性統計、卡方考驗、皮爾森積差相關分析、重複量數。最後再將研究結果予以討論,以整理成研究報告。 研究結果發現雖然藝術與資訊傳播背景大學生使用數位博物館並不普及,但大學生對數位博物館網站上資源仍有高度的使用意願;而大學生對數位博物館項目需求較高的前三項分別為「展覽」、「典藏品」和「教育推廣」項目。本研究並進一步建議未來政府應加強對數位博物館網站之推廣,以擴大一般民眾對數位博物館的認識並能透過數位博物館傳遞相關文化資源給社會大眾。The primary goal of this study is to investigate the user experiences with digital museums and their requirements of such services. As different user generates different experiences, the study then further explores how these experiences affect the user’s willingness to use digital museums. Another aspect of this study is to investigate the function of the websites provided by digital museums for university students and what are their expectations for these websites. To meet the goals, the study adopts a research methodology including questionnaire, documentation collection as well as data analysis. First, a questionnaire is designed and given to 200 respondents who have educational backgrounds in arts, information and communication. The number of the valid questionnaire is 158, and the response rate is as high as 86.0 %. The statistical analysis software SPSS is then applied to analyze the data collected, along with other technique such as Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square test, Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient, and Repeated Measures. The final state of the study is to describe and to discuss the data resulting from the survey. The findings of the study are as follows— although university students with backgrounds in arts, information and communication do not frequently use digital museums, they shows much interest in such establishments; the three most desired items or services they expect to find in digital museums are exhibition, collection and education expansion. Finally, the study also recommends that the government should promote the use and development of digital museums and bring to society cultural heritage and resources through such establishments.數位博物館使用需求digital museumuser needs/requirements大學生對數位博物館使用需求之研究A Study on the University Students' Needs of Utilizing Digital Museums