黃東益Huang Ton Yi曾郁明Tseng Yu Ming2019-08-282006-8-282019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0690100131%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85627論文摘要: 臺灣左翼思想的研究,隨著客觀政治環境的鬆綁,過去被視為禁區的左翼思想領域,討論的風氣畢竟也慢慢開放了。但隨著社會主義政權的垮臺,許多人也存著一種看法:認為社會主義在人類歷史上既然是失敗的,這樣的思想也不值得去探討。但政治的禁區在臺灣雖已突破,社會主義反而不受重視,根據臺灣政治史重建的立場來看,研究社會主義及其左翼思想仍是有必要的,而且是非常迫切的。 本研究的目的,旨在探討在日治時期後期的政治運動中,國際上社會主義思潮的傳入除了形成台灣第一個左翼政黨-台灣共產黨之外,其1928年綱領中的「台灣獨立」其宗旨究竟意欲為何? 第一章緒論先講述撰寫此論文的研究動機、目的,以及說明此論文運用的研究方法與途徑,以及說明此論文的研究範圍及研究限制等等;最後是分析研究此段歷史的一些歷史文獻,以及以往學著的相關著作。第二章介紹社會主義思潮在日本社會傳播的情形,台灣共產黨成立之初在綱領中規定由日本共產黨所領導,更可見日本當時的共產主義運動影響之深處;第三章則介紹台灣左翼思想的開展即台灣共產黨的成立背景,以及1928年左右因日本的經濟壓迫所引發的勞、農運動做介紹,此章介紹在台灣左翼史上富爭議性的人物:連溫卿及謝雪紅,並且對蔣渭水在政治立場上的轉變因素作出推測;第四章則在介紹臺灣左翼文化運動的發展,如無政府主義者推廣新劇、對皇民文學的抵制及當時新舊文學的論爭;第五章則對1928年台共綱領中的「台灣獨立」意識做分析,日本、中國、台灣學者以歷史面來看「台獨」的意義,而台共成員蘇新、謝雪紅對當時的「台灣獨立」論又做出何種解釋及說明。 在結論部分,除了要分析社會主義理念的傳入對當時的政治團體的影響究竟是利是弊,也會提及到當時臺灣共產黨的「獨立建國」理念,其真正獨立的意旨及所賦予的政治意義究竟為何?避開偏激的政治意識,試著尋求最為中道且合乎學理及史實的論證。社會主義所要傳達的理念即使經過了漫長的歲月,仍不會被世人所遺忘,回顧臺灣這一段日本殖民的歷史經驗,社會主義及其左翼思想的研究材料將會更加的受到重視。During Japanese Ruling Period, Taiwan’s first Leftist party, Communist Party of Taiwan, was organized under the international climate of Socialism. This essay aims to discuss the significance and objective of the “independence of Taiwan,” which was emphasized in this Party’s guiding principles. In the first chapter, I will clarify the motive, objective and theoretical approach employed in my thesis, as well as the scope and limits within. A literature review apropos of this period of time will also be cited. In the second chapter, I will give a general introduction of Socialism in Japan’s society. Given the fact that Communist Party of Taiwan was led by Communist Party of Japan, it is not hard to tell Taiwan’s leftists have been under great influence of Japan’s political thoughts and activities. In the third chapter, I will discuss the origin of Taiwan’s Leftist thoughts and the development of Communist Party of Taiwan, along with Japan’s farmers' and labor’s movements resulted from economic repression in 1928. In this session, I will mention several key figures in Taiwan’s Leftist history, such as Lian Wen-qing, Hsieh Hsueh-hung, and Chiang Wei-shui. I will also try to discuss the possible factors that give rise to Chiang’s change in his political position. In the Chapter Four, I will elaborate on the development of Taiwan’s Leftist cultural activities, including anarchists’ promotion of new dramas, the resistance to “Imperial Subjects Literature," and the debate between old and new literature. In the fifth chapter, I will analyze the ideology of “Independence of Taiwan” stated in 1928’s “Guideline for Communist Party of Taiwan.” In what way may scholars from Japan, China, and Taiwan tend to interpret the meaning and connotation of”Taiwan Independence”? And how did the party members Su Shin and Hsieh Hsueh-hung make sense of the discourse of “Taiwan Independence” at that time? After making judgments on the spread of socialism in Taiwan’s political party, in my conclusion, I attend to discuss the real objective of Taiwan independence and its political significance. Shunning talking about political consciousness which is easily prejudiced, in my thesis, I will try to make a moderate argument supported by academic principles and historical truths. In fact, the ideal beliefs conveyed by Socialism will not be forgotten after time goes by. By reflecting Taiwan’s historical experiences during Japan’s colonialism, the research on Socialism and Leftist thoughts will prove to worth more attention and discussion.日治時期社會主義左翼運動知識份子臺灣共產黨Japanese Ruling PeriodSocialismthe Left CampaignintelligentsiaCommunist Party of Taiwan巨變與衝擊:論社會主義思潮對台灣左翼運動的影響(以1920~1937年論述)Drastic change and Impact:The influence of Socialistic to the lift-wing campaign in Taiwan(1920~1937)