國立臺灣師範大學教育學系王麗雲甄曉蘭2014-12-022014-12-022007-12-011680-5526http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39030本文旨在透過對偏遠地區教育機會均等政策之分析與比較,提供我國偏遠地區教育機會均等政策之反省與建議。偏遠地區教育機會均等問題是社會大眾關心的問題。本文先說明偏遠地區的定義,接著由文獻中歸納出供給模式、需求模式與績效責任模式三種偏遠地區教育機會均等政策的作法,說明其政策理性基礎與優劣得失,最後提出對我國偏遠地區教育機會均等政策的建議。Issues regarding equality of educational opportunity for rural areas are often the primary concerns of the general public. This paper synthesizes the models often used in policy efforts for improving the conditions of equal educational opportunity in rural areas. Definitions for rural areas are first discussed. Three policy models for improving equal educational opportunity are analyzed and compared afterwards. These three models include the supply model, the demand model, and the accountability model. Taiwan's policies of equal educational opportunity for rural areas are then criticized. Suggestions for improving the policy instruments used to improve equality of educational opportunity in rural areas are provided.偏遠地區教育機會均等政策供給模式需求模式績效責任模式Rural areasEqual educational opportunitySupply modelDemand modelAccountability model臺灣偏遠地區教育機會均等政策模式之分析與反省Models of Equal Educational Opportunity Policies for Rural Areas in Taiwan:Synthesis and Reflections