蔡秀鷹葉忠達Hsiu-Ying TsaiChung-Ta Yeh2014-10-272014-10-272011-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15770本文冒在探討相片故事應用在中度自閉症兒童教學的可行性,主要以成長相片故事、人事時地的問答等內容來進行為期四個月的教學。在正式教學實施後,以教師教學記錄表、學生學習檔案資料、訪談記錄、教學日誌、攝影、錄音等相關質性資料,針對教學設計、教學方式、學習結果予以檢視修正。教學實施結果發現成長相片故事教學除了能讀中度自閉症兒童認識自己從嬰兒到現在的成長相片外,亦能增進內在學習的動機與專注力、提升閱讀理解和口語表達的能力。This study focused on the feasibility of photo stories applied to teaching activities for children with autism. The participants were two students with autism in anelementary school. The teaching content was based on the child's growth stories shown on his photos including the information of people, events, time, and places. The instructional design, teaching approach, and students' learning results were described. The results showed that teaching photo stories could help children with autism understand themselves. Learning motivation and concentration as well as the abilities of reading comprehension and oral expression were increased in this study.自閉症相片故事autismphoto stories認識自己的成長:相片故事教學對自閉症兒童學習之影響Impacts on Teaching Photo Stories to Understand Self-Growth Process for Children with Autism