黃妙珍 夏華 郭鐘隆 張荻琴Miao-Jeng Huang Hua Shia Jong-Long Guo Chiu-Ching Changu2014-10-272014-10-272013-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/225本研究目的旨在評估醫學中心冠心病患者及其家屬之衛生教育需求,以期作為冠心病自我照護手冊之指引。採質性研究方法,收樣地點在北部某醫學中心門診或病房,以冠心病患者及家屬為研究對象,共計病患12位、家屬五位接受訪談,採用半結構訪談指引作為研究工具來蒐集資料,以現場錄音方式記錄其訪談內容,並以敘述分析法進行資料分析。結果呈現冠心病患者之衛生教育需求包含「冠心病相關知誠的需求」、「冠心病之適應及處理需求」、「處理冠心病所帶來的心理與情緒調適之需求」,以及「冠心病資訊取得及自我照選手冊之需求」。本研究以冠心病患者及其家屬之衛生教育需求的研究結果,提供醫選人員未來冠心病門診衛生教育之參考。This study intendeds to assess the eeds for health education of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and of primary caregivers in the patients' families.The purpose of this study is to suggest guidelines for the desigu of a CHD self-care manual. The research was done in a medical center in northern Taiwan, and the data were collected in this center、outpatient department. The research methodology is qualitative. Data were collected through interviews with twelve individual patients and members of five families of patients. The interviews were structured so as to optimize data collection; questions and answers were taped; and the data were identified and screened by means of narrative analysis. The study points to the presence of concrete needs for health education of patients and their family caregivers. Specifically, there are needs for• CHD-related knowledge • adaptation to the treatment of CHD • psychological and emotional adjustment to the results of CHD treatment • information acquisition and access to a self-care manual of CHD In sum, the study is about the health education needs among patients with CHD and their family caregivers, and its results , it is hoped, can assist medical professionals with clinical health education in the future.門診冠狀動脈心臟疾病衛生教育需求OutpatientsCoronary heart diseaseHealth education needs評估醫學中心冠心病患者衛生教育需求之研究Assessing the Needs for Health Education of Coronary Heart Disease Patients and Their Caregivers