程瑞福Jui Fu Chen李國治Kuo Chih Lee2019-09-052008-8-112019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094132105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107456本研究旨在探討運動遊戲對增進感覺統合失調的發展遲緩兒童發展的效益,透過肢體動作的運動遊戲之參與,以促進其能力的發展。研究目的為瞭解感覺統合失調的發展遲緩兒童經由參與運動遊戲及只參與一般幼稚園課程,對其發展遲緩改善程度及兩者間之差異。本研究實驗組是以桃園市敏盛醫院評估為感覺統合失調的發展遲緩兒童為主,挑選3到6歲的學齡前兒童共20位,進行12週共24次的運動遊戲的課程;而對照組是從幼稚園篩選出20位感覺統合失調的發展遲緩兒童接受一般幼稚園課程。將兩組前、後測成績,以成對t考驗做為統計分析方式,所有差異性考驗顯著水準定為α=.05。其研究結果發現: 1.實驗組p<.05達到顯著水準;在不同性別中,p<.05皆達到顯著水準;在不同年齡層中,3至4歲、5至6歲p<.05皆達到顯著水準,而4至5歲p>.05未達到顯著水準。 2.對照組p>.05未達到顯著水準;在不同性別及不同年齡層中,p>.05皆未達到顯著水準。 3.兩組前、後測成績比較,p<.05達到顯著差異。實驗組成績呈現進步,而對照組成績呈現退步。 所以,實驗組參與運動遊戲課程後,其粗大動作改善情況比對照組明顯且進步程度較大。This study investigated the developmental effect from the movement game participation in developmental delay children with sensory integration dysfunction.Through participating to movement game can improve their development.It compared the degree and difference of improving development between the intervention group and the control group.Participants were forty children aged three to six years old.Twenty developmental delay children with sensory integration dysfunction estimated in the Rehabilitation Department in Min-Sheng Healthcare in Taoyuan were in the intervention group.They took part in movement game courses for twenty-four times during twelve weeks. Twenty developmental delay children come from kindergarten with accepting general kindergarten’s educational movement game were in the control group.Data obtained in this study were analyzed by pair-t test (a = 0.5). The major findings were as following: 1. Significant difference was found in the effect of movement game participation in the intervention group (P< 0.5). Besides, significant difference was found in the variable of subjects’ gender.As to ages, significant differences existed in the subgroups of three to four years, and five to six years, but not in four to five years. 2. No significant difference was found in the control group (p > 0.5) in the variables of gender and ages. 3. Compared to the results of pre-test and post-test, significant differences were found in both the intervention group and the control group.The score increasedin the intervention group but decreased in the control group. Therefore, the intervention group had obvious and better improvement in the gross motor ability after participating to those movement game courses.感覺統合失調發展遲緩運動遊戲sensory integration dysfunctiondevelopment delaymovement game感覺統合失調兒童參與運動遊戲之效益研究A study on the effect of movement game participation in children with sensory integration dysfunction