林伯修Lin, Po-Shiu洪知俊Hong, Chi Chon2019-09-052008-8-282019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694310124%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107673  本研究之目的在於分析臺灣的學長制在大學排球隊中的具體內容、學長所扮演的角色以及學長制與運動文化之關係。本研究採用文獻分析與深度訪談法,蒐集某大學男子甲、乙排球隊16名球員及2名教練的相關資料,對臺灣、澳門的資深教練進行非結構性訪談,以及利用參與觀察法描述香港、澳門的球隊運作情形,得到四項研究結果:一、學長制在臺灣大學的球隊訓練、球隊事務、球隊競賽及生活管理中,發揮了「領導管理者」、「經驗傳承者」與「資深的長輩」的角色,也在球場內產生各種社會順從行為;二、學長制的順從行為是以「傳統」中學弟對學長的尊重禮貌維繫。此「傳統」也與運動文化體系緊密的結合,三者形成了相互影響的互動關係。三、高中球隊的學長制在執行上比大學嚴格;大學排球隊中,甲組的學長制又比乙組的嚴格。大學排球隊的學長制與高中相比,最大的差別在於球員之間多了人與人之間的「尊重」,教練對高中與大學球員的行為規範,也有權威、民主兩套不同的標準。四、學長制與日治時期的教育制度有一定關連性,部分傳統雖然留傳至今,但對學長制的理解已走向多元,一些「壞傳統」也隨著社會風氣變遷而逐漸褪色。The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents and functions of hierarchy of seniority and the relationship between hierarchy of seniority and culture of men’s university volleyball team of Taiwan. Researchers applied documental analysis and interview to collect the data of sixteen players and two coaches of one “level A” and one “level B” team. Researchers also applied unstructured interview for senior coach in Taiwan and Macao.And applied participant observation for gathered data for teams in Macao. There were four major findings. First, in men’s university volleyball team, hierarchy of seniority played an important role of “leadership and management”, “experience transmission” and “senior’s care” in training, team affairs, matches and life management, which further lead to multiform behaviors of social conformity. Second, the conformable behavior of hierarchy of seniority was built up by the tradition of esteem and politeness. This tradition combined with the sports culture. Three items interacted with each other. Third, hierarchy of seniority was sternest in high school team. Hierarchy of seniority in “level A” university team was sterner than “level B” university team. Hierarchy of seniority of university was more humane than high school. Coaches also had different standards between these two groups. Fourth, hierarchy of seniority related to the educational system during the Japanese colonization period. Some traditions remained nowadays. Hierarchy of seniority became diverse explanations. “Bad traditions” gradually disappeared following changes of common practic.學長制排球隊角色功能社會順從hierarchy of seniorityvolleyball teamrolesfunctionssocial conformity學長制在排球隊中的角色功能──以某大學男子排球隊為例THE ROLES & FUNCTIONS OF HIERARCHY OF SENIORITY IN VOLLEYBALL TEAM─TEAMS OF A UNIVERSITY AS THE EXAMPLE