蔡居澤Tsai, Ju-Tse賴國彰Lai, Kuo-Chang2023-12-082023-06-272023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ff9e316349bba9522ec13147cbf7ea7f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119301本研究旨在探求童軍活動應用在輔導小團體時,成員的挫折容忍力是如何隨著團體歷程而改變。研究目的如下所示:一、探討如何運用童軍活動設計能夠增進學生挫折容忍力的輔導小團體方案。二、分析以童軍活動設計的輔導小團體方案實施歷程、遇到的問題及因應策略。三、評估學生在歷經以童軍活動設計的輔導小團體方案後的發展情形。 本研究採用行動研究法,以新北市某國中七、八年級學生共八位為研究對象。研究工具除以挫折容忍力量表來檢視成員在團體進行前後的差異外,同時以訪談大綱、名牌小書、團體回饋表、團體活動紀錄表、團體觀察紀錄表、滿意度調查表等蒐集質性資料,俟資料蒐集完畢後進行分析與歸納。 本研究的研究結果如下: 一、本研究的方案名稱為【當挫折來敲門】,將「挫折容忍力要素」、「童軍規律」、「綜合活動學習重點」以及「團體發展階段」作為方案的設計核心,使方案的設計得以緊扣研究目的。 二、八週的實施歷程可分為五個階段,但衝突期隱藏在形成期當中,大多為規範期難以進入發展期;實施中遇到的問題可分成三個部分,分別為小團體的開設、成員的參與狀況以及課程的設計與執行,因應策略都考驗著帶領者對方案的理解程度。 三、在量化分析上,成員挫折容忍力的分數前後調查有增加,而差異多寡受其本身的參與態度,以及在團體中是否有同儕的支持有關;在質性研究上,從成員的訪談分析中發現成員陳述出來的概念與接納自己及他人、有效溝通、欣然面對成功、貼近他人及發揮憐憫心、用別人的觀點觀察生活、選擇抗壓而不是備壓力擊垮、訓練自律及自制力與維持心智堅韌的生活型態等挫折容忍力要素相符。The purpose of this study was to explore how the frustration tolerance of members in group guidance changes throughout the group process when scouting activities were applied. The research objectives are as follows:1. Investigate how scouting activities can be used to design group guidance programs that enhance students' frustration tolerance. 2. Analyze the implementation process, challenges encountered, and strategies employed in group guidance programs designed with scouting activities. 3. Evaluate the developmental outcomes of students after participating in group guidance programs designed with scouting activities. This study adopted an action research method and involves a total of eight 7th and 8th-grade students from a junior high school in New Taipei City. In addition to using a Frustration ToleranceScale to examine the differences in members' frustration tolerance before and after the group process, qualitative data also was collected through interview outlines, nameplate booklets, group feedback forms, group activity record sheets, group observation record sheets, and satisfaction surveys. After data collection was complete, analysis and synthesis was conducted. The research findings of this study was as follows: 1. The program designed in this study, titled "When Frustration Knocks," incorporates the core elements of " Frustration Tolerance Factors," "Scout Law," "Integrated Activity-based learning," and "Stages of group development," aligning closely with the research objectives. 2. The implementation process, spanning eight weeks, could be divided into five stages. However, the conflict stage is embedded within the forming stage, making it difficult for most groups to transition from the norming stage to the performing stage. The problems encountered during implementation can be categorized into three areas: the establishment of group guidance, member participation, and curriculum design and execution. The strategies employed to address these issues test the leader's understanding of the program. 3. In the quantitative analysis, it was found that members' scores of frustration tolerance test were increasing. The extent of this improvement was influenced by their individual participation attitudes and the presence of peer support within the group. In the qualitative research, through analysis of members' interviews, it was discovered that the concepts expressed by the members corresponded to frustration tolerance factors such as self-acceptance and acceptance of others, effective communication, embracing success, closeness to others and showing compassion, observing life from others' perspectives, choosing resilience over being overwhelmed by stress, training self-discipline and self-control, and maintaining a mentally resilient lifestyle.挫折容忍力童軍活動輔導小團體Frustration ToleranceScouting ActivitiesGroup Guidance童軍活動運用於國中生挫折容忍力影響之研究─以新北市某國中輔導小團體為例The Effects of Applying Scouting Activities in Improving Students' Frustration Tolerance: An Example of Group Guidance at a Junior High School in New Taipei City.etd