廖偉民Liao, Wei-Ming高婕禎Kao, Chieh-Chen2020-10-192022-08-242020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060668003T%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111445從古至今,食物一直扮演著十分重要的角色,它反映了一個時代的文化發展程度,也透露出當地的氣候與地理狀況。因此,食物與社會的連結是非常緊密的。隨著2014年荷蘭DAE設計學院成立了第一個食物設計學院—Food Non Food,食物設計儼然成為一股新風潮,設計師以此作為媒介傳遞概念或提出議題。除了社會議題之外,人與人之間情感互動的多變與抽象性也是設計師經常取材的元素。近四十幾年來,心理與社會學者開始致力於愛情的研究,並試圖將愛情加以歸納分類為幾種風格,若要將愛情風格確切地傳遞予眾人,就「情緒」的流動性與多變性而言,單以一種感官刺激必無法完整呈現;而食物設計多元的可能性,恰好能對應到愛情的抽象與多變概念。因此,研究者以此作為研究方向,透過問卷調查法探討八種愛情風格的色彩意象,並藉由文獻分析每種風格的味覺與造型意象。運用上述研究結果,設計出八種愛情風格的視覺意象,將之應用於展覽使用;結合食物設計的概念,創作出代表八種愛情風格的甜點,如肉體感官型之色彩為鮮橘及深紅,代表味覺為甜、辣的,主要造型為三角形及圓形,甜點品項為柳橙辣芒果泡芙塔;婚姻目的型之色彩為淺粉色及深紅色,代表味覺為酸、甜、辣的,主要造型為圓形及正方形,甜點品項為覆盆子玫瑰荔枝慕斯等。藉由上述研究目的與方法,試圖透過視覺與味覺共感覺將情感以新穎有趣、多重層次的方式更完整的傳達予眾人,並提供其他有關食物設計之研究參考。Food has always played an important role in our life. It reflects the degree of cultural development of an era and also reveals the local climate and geographical conditions. Therefore, the connection between food and society is very close. With the establishment of the first food design school, Food Non Food, food design has become a new trend, and designers use this as a medium to convey concepts or raise issues. In addition to social issues, the variability and abstractness of emotional interactions between people are also elements that designers often draw on. In the past forty years, psychology and sociologists have begun to devote themselves to the study of love, and try to classify love into several styles. Emotions are fluid and changeable, which cannot be fully presented with a sensory stimulation. The multiple possibilities of food design can correspond to the abstract and changeable concept of love. Therefore, this study explored the color images of the eight love styles through questionnaire surveys, and analyzed the taste and shape images of each style through the document analysis. Using the above research results, the author designed eight visual images of love styles and applied them to the exhibition. Combined with the concept of food design, created desserts representing eight love styles, such as colors of Sexual and Sensible style are fresh orange and deep red, the tastes are sweet and spicy, and the main shapes are triangle and circle. The dessert items are orange spicy mango saint-honore. The colors of Marriage-Purposeful style are light pink and dark red, the tastes are sour, sweet and spicy, and the main shapes are circle and square. The dessert items are raspberry, rose, and lychee mousse. With the above research goals and methods, the study conveyed emotions to people through visual and taste synesthesia, and provided references on food design. 食物設計甜點愛情風格共感覺none愛情風格意象應用於甜點設計研究The Application of the image of Love Styles on Dessert Design