翁聖峰2019-08-122019-08-122010-01-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80993日治時期台灣文學的研究常以被殖民、被壓迫居主流,但日治時期文學尚有許多不同樣貌的文本。描繪日治時期「職業婦女」題材文學作品的研究,目前對這類不完全等同以往「被殖民」論述的作品尚有許多開展空間。日本殖民期間,台灣正體驗著現代化脫胎換骨的歷程,經歷「現代化」的過程中產生了許多的女性新興職業,這類職業在文學作品,成了具有時代感與「新文化」性質的文本。因官方及民間倡導廢除纏足、興辦女學、鼓勵就業,日治文學出現了相映題材的作品。目前有看護婦、女教員、交換姬、採茶女、女優、煙草女工、女車掌、織襪女工、紡織女、產婆、藝旦、一般女工等作品,本文嘗試關注女性地位的變遷,不同作家如何詮釋職業婦女,各報章媒體對職業婦女及文學有何不同描摹與評價,在日本人、台灣人間是否有差異,於新舊文學、詩、散文、小說如何描寫職業婦女。Being colonized and oppressed has been the mainstream perspectives of researches about literature in the Japanese colonial period, and yet there are different aspects of literature waiting to be explored. In addition to the discourse of colonialism and oppression, there is a lot more space to be developed in studies of working women portrayed in literature of the Japanese colonial period. In this period, Taiwan experienced the process of modernization, which gave rise to many new occupations. In their literary representation, these newly emerged occupations expressed the trendiness and sense of new culture. As both the colonial government and the civil society advocated the prohibition of foot-binding, the establishment of girls’ education, the encouragement of women’s employment, there were corresponding subject matters in literary texts. Women’s jobs include: nurses, teachers, phone operators, tea-pickers, actresses, tobacco workers, bus attendants, textile sock workers, textile workers, midwives, geishas, general laborers. This paper is concerned with the following issues: the changes of women’s status, different interpretations of working women by various writers, differences among various newspapers, differences between Japanese and Taiwanese, and differences among traditional literature, modern literature, poetry, essays and fiction.職業婦女婦女文學女性文學新舊文學日治時期working womenwomen's literaturefeminist literaturemodern/traditional literaturethe Japanese colonial period日治時期職業婦女題材文學的變遷及女性地位Changes in Women's Status and Literary Representation of Working Women in the Japanese Colonial Period