莊佳穎鄭心怡2019-08-292014-08-082019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696260012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93317近年來臺灣成衣市場上所出現一股新勢力─韓貨。韓貨的出現不僅豐富了臺灣原本多元的服飾消費圖景,並在短時間內形成風潮,讓不少臺灣女性消費者為之風靡。本文從不同於現有探討韓國流行商品的角度切入,反思臺灣衣著流行工業中韓貨做為風潮所可能反映的國族認同議題,並將研究視角延伸至韓國服飾消費者,透過深度訪談進一步分析韓國服飾在臺灣蔚為風潮的成因。首先釐清「韓貨」在消費者心目中真正的代表意涵;其次藉由消費者的實際體驗,歸納韓貨的特色與消費偏好的成因;最後針對韓貨消費者購買韓貨之行為與韓國認同形塑之間的消長關係。研究發現,臺灣女性消費者對韓貨的偏好是相對而非絕對,意即在眾多服飾選擇之下,消費者對韓貨的好感度高於其他國家製造的服飾,但並不代表消費者僅以韓貨作為唯一選擇;另外,韓貨消費者對於韓國的認同矛盾並未藉著購買韓貨而消失,反倒在消費的愉悅與對韓國的負面觀感中擺盪。There is a new fashion ─ “Korean Apparel” showing up in costume market of Taiwan in resent years. “Korean Apparel” enriches the clothing landscapes of Taiwan and enchants female customers in Taiwan. This paper focus on the daily life of customers and bases on the in-depth interviews attempts to explore why “Korean Apparel” popular in Taiwan. In addition, this paper tries to find the relativity between consuming “Korean Apparel” and impression of Korea. On the one hand , this paper concludes the characteristic of “Korean Apparel” and the factors of consuming preferring according to the customers’ experiences ; on the other hand , describes consuming how to affect the identity in Taiwan. This paper argues that the preferring of “Korean Apparel” is a relativity not a absoluteness. It means customers prefer “Korean Apparel” than other country ones, and “Korean Apparel” also not the only choice of shopping to female shoppers in Taiwan. At last, interviewees’ ambivalence about Korea doesn’t disappear. They show the delight of shopping and the disagreement to Korea constantly.韓貨消費偏好跨文化消費認同矛盾Korean Apparelconsuming preferringcross-cultural consumptionambivalence of identity.他鄉「瘋韓」意更濃─臺灣女性熱衷韓貨的消費現象與認同混淆