姜添輝2014-10-272014-10-272002-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18993延續專業自主權重要性的觀點,本文從九年一貫課程政策影響教學事務的角度切入,試圖進一步探究教師在實際情境如何運用專業自主權,以及教師所展現的行為特徵。訪談證據顯示出此一政策明顯提升教師的專業自主權,然而卻面臨一些結構性的限制,諸如教學事務的「瑣碎性」、時間不足與家長干涉等。另外,教師本身的「個人化」與「保守性」行為亦產生另一層的限制,儘管在教改壓力下,這些行為特性已有所改變,但是本質上呈現高度的被迫性而非自發性。Responding to the concept of professional autonomy, one of principal the purposes of this study is designed to explore how it operates in the practical teaching context under the influence created by the nine-year-integrated-curriculum policy. The other key intention is to discover the characteristics of teachers' behaviours. Research evidence shows that although teacher autonomy was significantly improved by this new policy, some structured constraints firmly remained such as the trifling nature of teaching matters, inadequate time and parental interference. The characteristics of teachers' behaviours such as individualization and conservatism also generated a profound influence on exercising autonomy to deliver teaching matters. The evidence suggests that under the pressure created by this new policy, teachers reacted differently in terms of deploying new types of behaviours. Nevertheless, such rather negative characteristics were not removed completely.自主權切割性個人化保守性AutonomySegmentationIndividualizationConservatism九年一貫課程政策影響教師專業自主權之研究A Study of the Influence of the Nine-year-integrated-curriculum Policy on Teachers' Professional Autonomy