林娟儀Lin, Chuan-Yi朱晏辰Chu, Yen-Chen2023-12-082022-09-192023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/4002dc2dabcafa71eb8becb2c214451e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121779約翰・布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897)為作曲家、指揮家、鋼琴演奏家,作品雖多以浪漫主義的手法創作,卻同時具備了嚴謹的古典主義風格。他在生命的最後六年間,完成了四首為單簧管創作的室內樂樂曲,包括《A小調單簧管三重奏,作品114》(Clarinet Trio in A minor, Op.114)、《B小調單簧管五重奏,作品115》(Clarinet Quintet in B minor, Op.115)創作與首演於1891年。而《f小調第一號單簧管與鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品120》(Clarinet Sonata No.1, Op.120 in F minor)、《降E大調第二號單簧管與鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品120》(Clarinet Sonata No.2, Op.120 in E flat major)則是創作與首演於1894年。這系列的作品之所以集中於晚年創作,是因布拉姆斯聽到曼寧根管弦樂團(Meiningen Court Orchestra)單簧管首席理查・穆菲爾德(Richard Mühlfeld)精湛的演出後,受到啟發進而進行創作,而這些作品也從此成為室內樂及單簧管演奏家的重要曲目。此表演詮釋報告以四個章節作分析及探討。第一章節為緒論,簡要敘述此詮釋報告之研究動機、目的、研究方法與架構;第二章節為文獻探討,針對布拉姆斯之生平及其創作背景進行研究;第三章節詳細分析樂曲架構、發展動機等;第四章節為樂曲演奏詮釋,從鋼琴合作者的視角出發,探究鋼琴與豎笛在樂曲中的連結與詮釋;第五章節為結語,綜合上述分析重點進行歸納整理。Johannes Brahms(1833-1897)was a German composer, conductor, and a pianist in 19th century. His works contained the creativity of the Romanticism but also reflect the strict structures of the classical period. He completed four pieces clarinet chamber music in the last seven years of life, including Clarinet Trio in A minor, Op.114, Clarinet Quintet in B minor, Op.115, The two clarinet sonatas were composed and premiered in 1891. Clarinet Sonata Op.120, No.1 in F minor, Clarinet Sonata Op.120, No.2 in E flat major were composed and premiered in 1894. These compositions were inspired by the exceptional performances given by the principal clarinetist of Meiningen court orchestra- Richard Mühlfeld. Since then, thy have been the staple of clarinet players.This professional practice report is divided into 4 chapters containing analysis and discussions. The first chapter, the introduction, briefly discusses the motives, purpose, research methods and structure. The second chapter is the literature review, focuses on Brahms’ life and compositional backgrounds. The third chapter is musical analysis. The fourth chapter is performance interpretation. Its analysis stems from the perspectives of a pianist, and it discusses the connections and interpretations between the and pianist. The fifth chapter is the conclusion. It emphasizes the key points of the research.布拉姆斯單簧管奏鳴曲鋼琴合作Johannes BrahmsClarinetSonataCollaborative Piano約翰・布拉姆斯《F小調第一號單簧管與鋼琴奏鳴曲作品120》之鋼琴合作詮釋探討An Analysis and Collaborative Piano Performance Interpretation of Johannes Brahms's Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in F minor Op.120 No.1report_art